
5ShiftScheduler / News: Recent posts

Beta2 windows binary

I've uploaded beta2 win32 binaries to SF, the package is available in downloads.

Posted by Anonymous 2011-08-07

Move to Git

I've moved the repository to git ( Old SVN repo still exists, but will not be updated.

I've also reorganised source's file structure.

Posted by Anonymous 2011-08-01

Beta2 - second announcement

After the release of beta1.5, project was halted for more than a month, due to my lack of time. Today work is resumed, with first commit already on SVN. The biggest change is a new combo box in the settings dialog - you can now change the app language any time you like (as long as you restart the app afterwards :) ). There also are some simple, yet very efficient changes in the algorithm, it works much better.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2010-10-21

Beta 1.5 release

Today I've uploaded a new release, marked as beta1.5. My initial intention was for this release to be beta2, but not all conditions for that have been met - the algorithm still has some issues to resolve.

Apart from that, this version has all that beta2 is supposed to have - for details head to the CHANGELOG: read more

Posted by Anonymous 2010-09-13

beta2 deadline set (19.09.2010)

I'm happy to announce, that after 2 months and more than 20 commits to SVN, beta2 is almost finished. Therefore, I set myself a deadline of 19th September 2010 to release it. Changes are big, and took enormous amount of coding to do, but finally - it works almost good now. As always, this release will be available in binaries for Windows and Linux + source code.

For anyone interested, here's the always up-to-date changelog: read more

Posted by Anonymous 2010-08-28

Beta2 announced

After finding numerous bugs in beta1 by hospital stuff, we are now preparing to start development of beta2. Due to nature of bugs found, it will include complete re-writing of the algorithm; changing icons to .png format - thus resolving some problems on Windows XP; introduction of options and settings to the algorithm; feasts and free days support. Some changes in GUI are also to be expected.

The work has just started, so don't expect any results soon - we've got a lot of work in front of us.

Posted by Anonymous 2010-07-09

Alpha7/ Beta1 is coming!

We are currently working on another release, which will include some major algorithm changes, a possibility to change the colour in which Sundays are being painted, and few other adjustments.

It will also be the first release, where Windows version will be shipped with an installer.

If successful, this release will introduce this project to beta stage of development. If not... we'll name it alpha7 :)

Posted by Anonymous 2010-06-14

Alpha 5 release

Today a new release will hit the servers. It includes some new features & some major bug fixes. For more information, head to official changelog here:

Posted by Anonymous 2010-05-25

Alpha3 release and changelog

Alpha3 was released yesterday, for win32. Changes from v2 are available in the changelog.

Dual releases (linux and windows) will start from Alpha4 onwards, which is quite close (23rd May is a plausible date of release).

In the meantime, I've created an official changelog, which can be found here:

Posted by Anonymous 2010-05-20