
Shift Log / News: Recent posts

Shift Log Stable 1.9.4 Released

Version 1.9.4 has been released.
This is mainly a code update, making it so that the log should work on php5 and mysql 5 (non strict settings) servers.
I have yet to hear anything good or bad from those who have downloaded it so I will take it that it works sufficiently for them.

I did not rename the config.php file like I said I would so make sure you delete it before you upload this to your current log.... read more

Posted by Brandon C 2007-08-17

Continuing code optimization

Still working on removing redundant code through out the progam. I have been moving form processes off the parent pages and calling them with includes when they are needed.

I expect to have a stable update within the week for those that are watching the project.


Posted by Brandon C 2007-08-13

Release Canidate 1.8.2 now available

There have been no database changes with this version. All edits have been with the code on the administrative and help pages. As well as a minor additions to the CSS page.

Posted by Brandon C 2007-08-08

RC 1.8.1 Released

RC 1.8.1 is out, I was not able to reproduce the errors that have been discribed in the bug log. I did modify the side menu system though so that it is stored in the database. Those that downloaded the RC 1.8 release I would recommend using the new version its tad bit more user friendly.

Posted by Brandon C 2007-08-08

RC 1.8 Bug found

Some versions of php/mysql will cause the single item menu to fail. See bug tracker for more information. This has only shown up on the latest version of webserv running on a vista machine. RC 1.8 will be removed from the downloads section until we are able to repair the code. I expect a new version to be up in the next 24hrs.

Posted by Brandon C 2007-08-07

Rlease Candidate 1.8

Version 1.8 has been released. This version is stable and has passed several weeks of beta testing by a 20 person test group. Its a bit plain but as far as a shift log goes I think it looks just fine.

I have not developed a templating system for it yet. The current theme is css and hard coded html.

Please give it a go and tell me what you think on the forum. I will be uploading some screen shots here soon.

Posted by Brandon C 2007-08-06