

Michael Doran

How does it work?

As an application designed for mobile computing, ShelfLister requires minimal data entry -- in fact, no manual data entry if used with a barcode scanner. A user only needs to scan, or enter, the barcodes for two books on each end of a shelf, and ShelfLister generates a call number sorted shelf list of all items between those two items. The shelf list display includes the following information:

  • charge statistics
  • browse statistics
  • item status (e.g. Charged, Missing, Cat/Circ Review, etc.),

For situations in which a collection isn't barcoded, an alternate entry form allows for inputting call numbers.

From the shelf list results page, clicking on an item brings up the title and author, all barcode numbers (active and inactive), and expanded item status information.

Why use it?

It is anticipated that ShelfLister may be useful for stacks maintenance, collection development (e.g. weeding), or inventory purposes.

What are the requirements?

ShelfLister is a Perl application that gets installed in a CGI-enabled directory of your Voyager database or WebVoyage server. Because ShelfLister is server-based, it is platform independent as far as the client hardware or operating system -- the only client-side requirements are wireless connectivity and a web browser.

Using this program

Interested Voyager libraries are encouraged to use the ShelfLister program which is being distributed as free software under a license from the University of Texas at Arlington. To get started, just download the distribution package containing all the needed files and follow the installation instructions.



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