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File Date Author Commit
 DOC.txt 2007-09-03 justquick [r8]
 LICENSE.txt 2007-06-29 justquick [r1]
 README.txt 2007-09-03 justquick [r8]
 install.bat 2007-06-29 justquick [r1] 2007-09-03 justquick [r8] 2007-09-03 justquick [r8]
 shdb 2007-09-03 justquick [r8] 2007-09-03 justquick [r8]

Read Me

ShelveDB - SHDB
Copyright (c) 2007, Justin Quick
All rights reserved.

Shelve Database Engine

    ShelveDB is a pure python database engine that runs solely on the 
built-in modules. It is compact and provides an expanding vocabulary of 
SQL commands. SQL-like queries are preformed at the python level, so 
types and values are native. It compacts the size of the database by 
minimizing the total number of data structures that need to be 
serialized. It uses the shelve module for the database files.
ShelveDB has several advantages for small to medium scale database 


1. Uses only standard modules (shelve, re), perfect for quick storage
2. Easy SQL functions create,insert,select,update,empty,dump (so far)
3. Regular expression searching
4. Table columns can be any python type
5. Small data footprint because the number of data structures is minimized

Example usage:

>>> from ShelveDB import ShelveDB

# Startup shdb interface, creates filename given
>>> DB = ShelveDB('mydb')    

# True if whole database is empty
>>> DB.is_empty()

# Creating tables
# takes a name and type pair either by strings
>>> DB.create('words','name=str','usage=int')

# or by keywords, any python types will work here
>>> DB.create('colors',red=int(),green=int(),blue=int())

# Inserting only works by column name, value pairs
# returns key id
# columns left out will be blank
>>> DB.insert('words', name='hat', usage=23)
>>> DB.insert('words', name='cat', usage=2)
>>> DB.insert('words', name='chat')

# True if table is empty
>>> DB.is_empty('words')

# Lenth of database, two ways
>>> len(DB), DB.len()
2 2
# length of table
>>> DB.len('words')

# Selection,
# Returns list of ids
# supports:
# exact matching
# startswith,endswith identifiers '%'
[0, 2]
# regular expressions searching through compiled patterns
[0, 1, 2]

# Fetching a selection
# returns generator for iterating
>>> words ='words', fetch=True)
# fetch elements as dictionaries
{'usage': 23, 'name': 'chatty', 'key': 0}
# fetch elements as lists
[2, 'cat', 1]
# fetch elements as tuples
(2, 'cat', 1)

# fetch iteratively
>>> for row in'words', fetch=True):
...    print 'The word %s has been used %d times'%(row['name'],row['usage'])
The word chatty has been used 23 times
The word cat has been used 2 times
The word chat has been used 0 times

# Updating
# fetch a record
>>> Record = DB.fetch('words',0) 
# mutate record
>>> Record['name'] = 'chatty'
# Update record satisfying the kwargs selection
# kwargs are the same format as select    
>>> DB.update('words',Record,key=0)

# Dumps data structure of database
# to outfile (default stdout)
>>> DB.dump()
Database mydb, 2 tables
   Table colors, 3 columns
      blue : <type 'int'>
      green : <type 'int'>
      red : <type 'int'>
   Table words, 2 columns
      usage : <type 'int'>
      name : <type 'str'>
DATA = {
   'mydb' :
      'colors' : {
         'blue' = []
         'green' = []
         'red' = []
         'key' = []
      'words' : {
         'usage' = [23, 2, 0, 23, 2, 0]
         'name' = ['chatty', 'cat', 'chat', 'hat', 'cat', 'chat']
         'key' = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Saves all information to disk
>>> DB.sync()
# Closes database file, also performed atexit
>>> DB.close()