From: William L. <xfu...@gm...> - 2007-07-28 01:55:38
Hey we're gonna have a meeting/chat/etc tomorrow. All are invited to talk about whatever the group ends up talking about (and maybe some of those things i posted last week)! I've got to work tomorrow at 4 PM EST (20:00 GMT) so I'll be leaving probably before others do but bah who cares. Yeah I know these meetings used to be formalish, but I find we come up with much better solutions when the format is freer. Aim for 18:30 GMT (if you can) or 19:30 GMT. I'll be there as soon as I wake up, as always. Oh, and btw if you have an idea of something you want to work on for the project (that would be _anything_ from the kernel to userspace to applications even -- any effort is better than idleness), these chats are a good place to bring it up and get feedback from the rest of the group as to whether it'll fit with the rest of the stuff. And of course, even if you can't make the meeting tomorrow, there's almost always a few people in ##sharpos to talk to about the project (I'm there almost all the time, though I could be idle). If you're doing development on our SVN repository, AnarkiNet from IRC has gone ahead and signed us up for the CIA service ( which has a bot that speaks out the recent commits when he sees them. Until we can hook trac up to our repository, this is a great way to get SVN change notifications. Hope to see you tomorrow!! Have a good evenin! -- fury long name: William Lahti handle :: fury freenode :: xfury blog :: |