
SharpEdit Released

SharpEdit now supports customizable syntax hilighting
for all of the following files. The current hilighting engine
functions based on file extension, so when you create a new
file you must save it with the proper extension for the correct
syntax to me displayed.

ASP.NET (.aspx)
Batch Files (.bat)
C++ (.cpp)
C# (.cs)
HTML (.htm|.html)
Java (.java)
JavaScript (.js)
PHP (.php)
TeX (.tex)
VB.NET (.vb)
XML (.xml|.xsl|.xslt|.xsd|.testconfig|.manifest|.config|.addin|.xshd)

A huge thanks goes out to Mike Krueger from the SharpDevelop team
for his help with the TextControl.

Posted by Daniel Bright 2003-03-05

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