
Splash Screen; Go Shonnie!!! xD

Not many if any browsers have a splash screen, probably because they want it up then and there, but it might actually have some use to it, and space out load of work instead of processing it all at once.

Congrats to Shonnie for making this all possible.

Supports the most advanced transparent png's, down to the simplistic other picture formats.

Option wise, this will be something that will be tog-able in the settings (on/off), we may also allow the user to select an image they'd like it to show for the splash, but this is not yet confirmed, though if our mission statement is simplicity, with advanced customization this falls right under the "customization" though keeping our logo as a start keeps integrity; represent!

Might use base gfx for wall paper, but the splash screen image is yet to be decided : ).

Posted by CTS_AE 2008-12-12

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