
ShareDaemon / News: Recent posts

CVS moved to BerliOS

We have moved our CVS repository to BerliOS since its 50-300% faster and provides up-to-date anonymous/webcvs access. Information on how to access our repository at the new location can be found here:

There are also some module name changes:
The former core module was renamed to core-research, and a new core module was added to repository, containing largely redesigned codebase that will now stay for long-term. Don't worry, the old codebase was not thrown away, it was simply integrated into the new codebase.
The ui-wx and ui-web modules were not changed.

Posted by Alo Sarv 2004-03-07

wxInterface Testing: 0.3.1 released!

Following the Linux Kernel release system, I'm starting 0.3.x release cycle. These versions are testing releases, more like development snapshots. There is no guarantee they will compile, they might behave unexpectedly, burn your dog or insult your CPU, so proceed on your own risk. Also - these are source-only releases - this is to save my time (making full binary-release takes ~6 hours) and avoid dumb-users using testing versions. Compilation instructions for all platforms will be posted to forums shortly.... read more

Posted by Alo Sarv 2004-01-14

wxInterface 0.2.0 released!

This version brings additional platforms support (BSD, Win9x), improved Mac
support and increased visual quality (flat-look on GTK, buttons with icons).
Moreover, the interface is far more configurable now - there's full-screen
mode, and pages can be "detached" from main dialog into separate windows
(n/a on Mac) - those features are available from the new right-click popup-
menu on toolbar.

Posted by Alo Sarv 2003-12-31

web interface 0.1.3 pre1 !!

After a long time without any new releases and commit into CVS, here comes the new version of the web interface !

This version is provided as a test version. I rewrote the entire Threads and Sockets implementation, in order to use native win32 objects. This results into better stability and higher performance.

See <a href="">ChangeLog</a> for more details about this version.... read more

Posted by Barbeaux Mikael 2003-12-28

wxInterface 0.1.9 released!

It has been a long time since the last release in wxInterface branch, but the delay was worth it. This version is a major step towards complete modularity and customizability of the wxInterface. Large amount of code has been rewritten to provide more dynamic operation, making way for new features like plugin support, colour schemes, and much more. New features at a glance:
* Mac OS support.
* Two new iconsets: emule_greyscale and emule_inverted.
* Dynamically implemented sidebar and images handling allowing runtime updating.
* Dynamically generated toolbar images allowing coloured backgrounds/fonts in toolbar.
* Support for Windows XP Visual Themes.
* New coloured make system (Unix only).
View changelog and download at

Posted by Alo Sarv 2003-12-03