
Shag / News: Recent posts

Shag GUI Library 1.2.9 released

Version 1.2.9 of the Shag GUI has been released. This version adds the capability to make the customized right click pop up menu options on a UsefulListPanel enabled or disabled when there are multiple selections made in panel.

Posted by Kamran 2011-01-06

Shag GUI Library 1.2.8 released

Version 1.2.8 of the Shag GUI has been released. This version adds the capability of extending the right click pop up menu options on a UsefulListPanel beyond the normal Add/Edit/Delete actions. Developers can now add they own customized actions to this menu.

Posted by Kamran 2010-07-20

Shag GUI Library 1.2.7 released

Version 1.2.7 of the Shag GUI Library has been released. This version refactored the GraphicsDeviceUtilities class and added convenience methods to it for accessing the default maximum window size without having to modify an actual window.

Posted by dondi 2009-07-30

Shag GUI Library 1.2.6 released

Version 1.2.6 of the Shag GUI Library has been released. This version adds a method that returns the internal UsefulTable created by UsefulListPanel, in case table-level methods or customizations are needed.

Posted by dondi 2009-07-17

Shag GUI Library 1.2.5 released

Version 1.2.5 of the Shag GUI Library has been released. This version fixes border issues when a UsefulListPanel has no Add/Edit buttons, and fixes the "last touched" property when moving items around a list.

Posted by dondi 2009-04-22

Shag GUI Library 1.2.4 released

Version 1.2.4 of the Shag GUI Library has been released. This version adds a new native platform opener service, which enables the opening of files or URLs in the same way that the Java application's host environment would: files get opened using whatever default application is configured for it in the host environment, while URLs are opened using the default browser. The release also includes internal code refinements.

Posted by dondi 2008-08-23

Shag GUI Library 1.2.3 released

Version 1.2.3 of the Shag GUI Library has been released. With version 1.2.3, the project's build system has been transitioned from ant to maven. This version also includes a variety of small bug fixes and tweaks.

Posted by dondi 2008-03-21

Shag GUI Library 1.2.2 released

Version 1.2.2 of the Shag GUI Library has been released. This is the first release of Shag's SourceForge fork, after its prior existence as a subproject of openSourcePACS (

Posted by dondi 2006-09-15