
Shaen / News: Recent posts

Laziness Update!!!!

Hey all, sorry about my laziness in getting the magic and inventory engines done. I realize that Zach can't really do too much with his battle engine without the magic and inventory, its just that I have been getting my fill of programming from my classes here at Purdue. Anyways, I am HOPING to get the basis for the inventory engine done before Christmas break, and the magic engine I will work on whenever I get the chance over break, or when I get back from it. And not to make Zach a liar, but I have updated the version because the code standards I was using, were making the code that needs to be written VERY hard to fit in the screen, so I changed the indention method. I also disposed of the global variables, and changed the inventory to a linked list. NOTE! Due to the nature of this linked list, there is currently a memory leak in the program, I am aware of this, and will fix it soon.

Posted by Joe Stefek 2002-12-13

Programming Woes

Sorry folks, but it looks like an update might be a little bit on this one. After a night a talking a while back with Joe regarding the game, we realized that we have a lot of planning to do. So perhaps an update won't be for another month or so. I will try and forge through the battle engine the best that I can without an inventory or magic one. I will also be sure to keep everyone posted on it's progress.

Posted by Zach 2002-12-12

Battle Engine News

I am updating the Battle Engine, slowly but surely. It should be incorporated into the game by the end of this weekend. It will be pretty basic. Right now there is a printing of the names of the people in battle, a menu, and the fighting, and run functions work.

Joe and I still have to write the Inventory Engine and the Magic Engine so those features will be enabled.

Posted by Zach 2002-09-27


Aparently I can never be satisfied enough with how well this portion of the game works, so I tweaked out the random number generators, and made the code more efficient. This means saving a whole couple of bytes of precious hard drive space.

Posted by Joe Stefek 2002-09-25

Bug Fix!

A new release has been made to fix a bug in the interface. This bug caused errors in future menus when a non-integer value was entered into most menus. If you have a version older than, make heed to this error report, and please do not inform us of it. It will only be a waste of both yours and our time.

Posted by Joe Stefek 2002-09-25

First release!!!

We released our first two builds of the program. The second of which includes everything until the first battle. Unfortunately, our battle and creature engines are just getting underway, so it may take a little while before the next release, but enjoy what we have so far, and make suggestions for what needs to be added.

Posted by Joe Stefek 2002-09-24