
Stagehand_FSM 1.7.0 (stable) released

Stagehand_FSM provides a self configuring Finite State Machine.
The following is a list of features of Stagehand_FSM.
o Transition action
o Entry and Exit state actions
o Initial and Final pseudo states
o Nested FSM
o History Marker
o Activity
o User defined payload

::::: Release notes for Stagehand_FSM 1.7.0 :::::

This release includes fixing a critical problem and an enhancement as follows:

<<< Defect fixes >>>

- Fixed the problem that an activity is invoked twice unexpectedly.

<<< Enhancements >>>

* Stagehand_FSM
- Added queueEvent() method for actions. Do not use triggerEvent() method directly from actions, use queueEvent() method instead.

::::: Installation :::::

A. Installation from a PEAR channel (requires PEAR 1.4.3 or newer)

This release can be installed directly using a PEAR channel
First, add the channel to your PEAR install:

$ pear channel-discover

Second, install the package:

$ pear install hatotech/Stagehand_FSM

This release can be downloaded from:

Since Stagehand_FSM-1.7.0.tgz is a PEAR package, you can install the package with pear command after downloading it.

$ pear install Stagehand_FSM-1.7.0.tgz

B. Installation from the tarball (requires PEAR 1.4.2 or older)

This release can be downloaded from:

Since Stagehand_FSM-1.7.0-without-channel.tgz is a PEAR package without channel, you can install the package with pear command after downloading it.

$ pear install Stagehand_FSM-1.7.0-without-channel.tgz

For more information, visit the project page as follows:

Posted by iteman 2006-07-21

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