
Serial Gaming Network Daemon / News: Recent posts

Version 0.1.1 Released

Mainly a bugfix release. Fixes some crash bugs.

Posted by Andy Oxfeld 2002-12-06

Version 0.1 Released

Version 0.1 has been released. This version is a complete rewrite. It's gotten to a point where it's fairly usable, only missing some advanced features. Here's a summary of the improvements over the previous (pre-rewrite) version 0.0.3:

* .conf reader streamlined, "set" command added to make variable setting much simpler

* support for outside authentication servers for cdkey checking and central account system... read more

Posted by Andy Oxfeld 2002-11-10

Version 0.0.3 Released

This is a major update. Logging is a big new thing; it's very well done and very versatile. Also, more channel things, such as channel operators, are in this release. Operators also have many more commands, and are more customizable. Read the Release Notes and Change Log for more detailed information.

Posted by Andy Oxfeld 2002-06-21

Version 0.0.2 Released

This version is a major update. The big new features are an improved user system, the addition of channels, and improved MSG and SAY commands. Also new is the QUIT command, the HELP command for post-login areas, and other miscellaneous improvements and fixed.

Another big improvement (for unix users of sgnetd at least) is that the new release uses a configure script to generate the Makefile. So, with any luck, you should now be able to install SGNETD on unix by ungzipping, untarring, ./configure; make; make install, copying over sgnetd.conf to the directory that sgnetd was installed to, and edited it to your liking.

Posted by Andy Oxfeld 2002-06-14

First release out!

The first release of SGNETD, 0.0.1, has been released. View the attached Release Notes for more information.

Posted by Andy Oxfeld 2002-06-12

First release soon

I am about to release the first version of SGNETD under the GPL license. It is, as of now, pretty much a single-channel chat server. I am working hard to add the other features needed to meet my original goal of a poweful, flexible gaming daemon.

Posted by Andy Oxfeld 2002-06-11

Work to be transferred to SourceForge soon

Just gotta figure out how to use CVS (this will be my first time using it). I'll probably have an early release that will contain user management and pretty much nothing else.

Posted by Andy Oxfeld 2002-02-10


I'd like to thank SourceForge for approving this project. I'll hopefully setup stuff like CVS soon so development on SGNETD can continue.

Posted by Andy Oxfeld 2002-02-04