
Simple effective XML / News: Recent posts

Pending New Blood or Time

Pending an injection of fresh blood to this project or a sudden and unlikely wealth of time this project is going to be a total back-burner joba dn unlikely to get an update even once a year.

Posted by Matt B 2005-09-19

Aims and obectives for SeXML.

We have no drafted a spec for our aims along with the road map.

Here it is in full draft-like glory.

- To use only XML/XSLT/OPML where ever posible to create truely portable solutions however when code is required our main languages should be ASP and PHP (optionally .NET, PERL, PYTHON etc)
- Optional and idealised aims are included in square brackets where as notes on limits are added in rounded brackets. [Notes in square brackets indicate a longer term goal to work towards].... read more

Posted by Matt B 2005-05-30