
#1328 B1 archive format support (Important!)

b1 (1)

Hello, Igor!
I'm forced to ask you to add b1 archive format support to the 7-zip and relatives (libs/plugins/etc)
It's clear for me that B1 is simply a commercial fork of the 7-zip, which offers no any valuable new techs and/or features. Some bastards just [successfully] trying to earn (in our common russian meaning = steal) money from your labour and honour. They do NOT formally violate any rules and/or open source license requirements. Instead they developed a new (yet another) useless archive format and lure stupid users to try a 'new free archiver' (with expected some new valuable features) while they just 'spinnig on' their project/site/etc and, what is most important, their 'new'archive format.
Some people setup their fake and start spreading some valuable files packed into the B1 archives around the net. Next people, who get valuable files are FORCED to setup 'new B1 archiver' to simply be able to unpack data. I've personally got already a few b1 archives from the net, containing valuable data on the mobile devices theme.

This process would seems be a normal practice for archiver development and product popularization unless b1-team bastards would made a useful thing and not used useless fork just to forcedly install agressive adware (e.g. trojan) to any Windows PC while installing their b1 archiver. Adware/trojan is installed by their proprietary official 'online setup/installer' program, that is not the part of theGNU/GPL, thus souldn't be discloised and published with sources. This is the typical malware droppper.

I have explored their installer. It doesn't contain any files inside. Instead it just downloads a few zip archives from the official site, including hidden which contains malware. Then malware files are spread around the system. Thieves even do not spend time/labour to develop their own b1 sfx (which shows their real targets) nor hide a malicious things.You can find clear info on b1 does install adware even in b1 related wikipedia article, but this doen't matter. People download b1 archives and trying to unpack them. They do NOT read wiki or smtg else. They simply trying to 'click button' and unpack the archive. Since 7Zip nor Rar do NOT natively unpack it they start to quickly search what the utils around the net they need to unpack their stuff. Predictable the first link they see is the link to the where they get an 'official' (i,e. trusted) archiver and next they do definitely infect their systems with a bullshit.

If I will say I hate liers and thieves, especially ones who hide their motivation behind a fairy faces and fake purity I will say nothing about the matter how deep do I hate them. Sure we're miss the new Stalin to shoot a small percent of all the 'useless' people again to make all the remaining people normal homo sapiens who love to live and create.

We would be forget about this useless fork unless the described situation occured. You do not spend your time and money to advert 7-zip nor even trying to collect money related to this project,
Other ppl who's the only motivation is to collect ones resources, who's the only love is money and power have another mind and strategies. They could, e.g., easily spend valuable amounts of money for ads to make their product 'famous' and collect much more money later by exploiting adware described above.

The only reasonable thing we can do is to add b1 archive support to the 7-zip (and Rar). Then ppl will just easily find their 'unpack button' and unpack archives they get on the net by their trusted and favourite archiver and will NOT be forced to install b1 nor it's adware too, nor even will be forced to look for any '3rd party' software. This will broke the spread chain in the important place and prevent b1 to rise quickly.

Guidelines on what to add (on my sight):
1. Only unpacking of the b1 archives (including console/plugin code). The only compression methoid B1 support is the LZMA, so it seems the only code you need to add is the container parser, that could be easily extracted from b1 sources.
2. You shouldn't add packing code
3. There should be the notice in 7zip code (related to the b1 archive processing - e.g. MessageBox or console message) stating b1 is the fake to spread adware/trojans to prevent people from b1 use.

On other hand I have ocassionally found some ideas in the b1 product which are related exclusively to the internet content providers, not end users. Think we all understand there are billions of end users around the world (who's requirements is the main goal you are working for) and the only maximum thousands of companies which require packed data streaming from their servers. But these companies most probably are the commercial orgs and do earn money and ready to spend some for the valuable techs, making their products better and giving some extra economy.

Many internet companies/servers require some tech to stream packed data to the client in the real time (e.g. so called 'clouds'). B1 states their product is suitable to pack files on-the-fly and start to stream the beginning of the archive in parallel with the packing process, before all the files will be archived competely. Some related techs are oferred also. I.e. they are talking about some mix of the traditional archiver and online streaming technology. Server does stream compressed data online and on-the-fly. User can unpack the stream (e.g. by the browser plugin) and perceive data online and/or download stream and maintain it with an offline tool like a generic archive. This direction of the B1 dev't seems to be highly reasonable in the matters of the project idology. Guys looking for the techs they could get for free and sell for 'the real money' adding a small 'value'. Addon above the b1 archiver might not be covered by GNU/GPL licenses being a separate product. You can develop similar tech/extension/modules for the buisness users to directly sell them at reasonable price or collect donations (find some mixed licensing scheme) to support your hard long term development of the 7-zip project.

Good luck!


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