
Repacking archive

  • Vladimir

    Vladimir - 2010-12-08

    Hello everyone,

    Could someone tell me how can I change an archive file programmatically without repacking its?

    Some details:
    I would like to use LZMA SDK in a commercial project.
    So I implemented all needed interfaces in my code and created instance of IInArchive from 7z.dll.
    Then I opened an archive file and I would like to make some changes in it. I use next algorithm for this purpose:
    - creates a temporary file;
    - update items, i.e. pOutArchive->UpdateItems(spStream, updataItems.GetCount(), spUpdateCallback);
    - copies the temporary file to the source archive.

    Therefore, my question is: may I call pOutArchive->UpdateItems in the same archive file?
    I guess there can be some confusions in implementation.

    Best Regards

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2010-12-08

    Original input stream must be readonly.
    So you can't use same stream as OutSrtream.

    Why do you need that feature?

  • Vladimir

    Vladimir - 2010-12-08

    Thanks Igor,

    I suppose it can improve performance (usually it helpful for network drives).

    I saw how API and 7zip algorithms interacted and I could understand why it has been done.
    Also I can see unchanged files will be copied without changes from input stream to output.

    Nevertheless when I use your 7Zip file manager, I don't see progress bar when I try to add new files or delete one of existing files.
    Maybe there are some workarounds how to use that or maybe 7Zip file manager have background thread for this.
    I don't know but I can see it doesn't require repacking an archive file.

    Could you tell me some recommendations how to improve this point?

    Best Regards,

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2010-12-08

    Yes, 7-zip copies whole archive and repacks changed solid blocks.
    Since there is file cache in Windows, it can look like RAM->RAM transferring. And then it's flushed to disk.

  • Vladimir

    Vladimir - 2010-12-09


    Thanks for your answers.
    I understood, any archive file can be changed through temporary file. It's behavior by design.

    What can I do? I can make some optimization in realization of IInStream/IOutStream (use a file mapping for example) which will allow to improve performance.

    Thanks again.

    Best Regards,


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