
how can I verify that the archive has a password?

  • kanejons

    kanejons - 2024-03-14

    While studying CLient7z, I saw this line of code in Extract:

    Z7_COM7F_IMF(CArchiveExtractCallback::CryptoGetTextPassword(BSTR *password))
      if (!PasswordIsDefined)
        // You can ask real password here from user
        // Password = GetPassword(OutStream);
        // PasswordIsDefined = true;
        PrintError("Password is not defined");
        return E_ABORT;
      return StringToBstr(Password, password);

    Trying to use it separately, I didn't succeed. I wanted to write a function before unpacking that would check the passwords of the archive, and then only unpack it.Can you tell me how to do this?

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-03-14

    No way to check password without unpacking for 7z archive.


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