
Using Directory Opus with 7-zip-Zstandard's codecs

  • Brian

    Brian - 2017-06-18


    I've recently discovered and have been using the 7-zip-Zstandard version to create compressed archives with, most often, either Zstandard or Brotli codecs. For creating the archives, I usually always use the standard context menu items from 7-zip, and now 7-zip-Zstandard. I have also put the Z-standard codecs into Igor's main 7-zip directory, that it supports.

    I don't know how familiar people are with Directory Opus, but it's a file manager on steroids. By using Directory Opus, I'm able to 'enter' into all types of archives and add/delete or view files within them as if they were a normal directory - while remaining in one of it's directory listers. However, this doesn't work well for archives created in the new codecs. I'm still able to 'enter' into such archives, along with all directories - but any other operations such as being able to double-click on a txt file to open in Word/Notepad, copying files to outside destinations, and adding/replacing/deleting files within them no longer works for such archives. I get a 'file does not exist' type of error from Directory Opus.

    I have added the codecs directory into many various places where 7z.dll might be looking for them, but still no go. I have also replaced the 7z.dll that was in DO's program directory with the most recent 17.00 version of Igor's main 7z.dll - which it did accept, but still didn't work. I tried replacing that with the 7-Zip-Zstandard's 7z.dll, but Directory Opus will not work at all with that version.

    I've already tried corresponding with Directory Opus support, but apart from some tips on where to place the Z-standard Codecs folder, they say they will only support the functions within Igor's main 7-zip program/dll.. And that I was the first/only person to ask about those codecs. I also wasn't able to find a forum for 7-zip-Zstandard.

    So I'm hoping someone here can help with this, as I'm at my wits end on how to deal with this. I'd really love to be able to use the new codecs, but this incompatability with Directory Opus may be a show stopper for me.

    Thanks for any help.


    Last edit: Brian 2017-06-19
  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2017-06-19

    7z.dll doesn't load codecs dlls.
    exe client must load both 7z.dll and codec dlls.

    So there are two ways:
    1) Directory Opus can try to load codec dlls (7-Zip does it). But maybe they think that it's difficult.
    2) 7-Zip-Zstandard's 7z.dll must work. I suppose if there is some problem, it can be fixed, if developers of 7-Zip-Zstandard and/or "Directory Opus" will know about that problem.

    • Tino Reichardt

      Tino Reichardt - 2017-06-21

      Hello Igor,

      I am sorry, my 7z.dll is not compatible. I have a #define of k_7zip_GUID_Data2 to 0x0803 instead of 0x40C1 ... the reason is, that many users wanted to have both versions installed. But when this happens, only your version will start e.g. from the explorer menu ...

      I have used therefore another GUID, and since then it works as expected for most users. They can install both version in parallel ;-)


      Last edit: Tino Reichardt 2017-06-21
  • Brian

    Brian - 2017-06-20

    Yeah, the Directory Opus folks don't want to have anything to do with any codecs that aren't directly in your main 7-zip's "7z.dll". So hopefully, you might end up adding those codecs in.. Especially for Zstandard and Brotli, since those are stable and used in massive production environments - and those are the ones I see main use-cases for myself. ... Zstd for being able to lightning-fast add files to [solid] archives, as well as lightning-fast decompression - with many levels being rather close to lzma2 ratios.. And Brotli is sometimes able to produce quite a bit more compression than lzma2, albeit quite slow at that ultra compression.

    I have found on the Zstd page, something for Total Commander.. I tried that for Opus - and FINALLY, that DOES work!! But only for double-click opening filetypes and copying out of. But it won't allowing for copying anything INTO such archives. .. That's mostly what I wanted anyways, but that still downlplays the usefulness of Zstd's lightning speed for updating/adding files into Zstd archives.

    Although I think I remember you saying you weren't going to do it as of now, but hopefully you can end up adding at least Zstandard and Brotli codecs directly into 7-zip / 7z.dll (without needing them in a codecs folder). Then I can go back and pester the Directory Opus folks to add compression support for them - with a bit better chance at getting them in. ;)


    Last edit: Brian 2017-06-20
  • Brian

    Brian - 2017-06-20

    I've been finding out that I can't even copy anything into ANY archives with the Total Commander 7z/dll.. Not even for lzma2-only archives. So I have to choose between being able to double-click open and copying out of all archives by using the TotalC 7z.dll -- or being able to view directories and filenames and adding files (abeit always in lzma2) for the new-codec archives, yet still being able to work with standard 7-zips like normal by using the main 7-zip's 7z.dll.

    Sigh... Third world problems, eh? :)

    I just wish there was forum for Milky's 7z-Zstd so I can see if he can help out on making a version for Directory Opus [v11]. Unfortunately, I don't really know anything about programming.

    Is it possible there's a forum, and 'm just not seeing it??
    Or does anyone here know how to get in touch with him?

    • Tino Reichardt

      Tino Reichardt - 2017-06-21

      Use the 7z.dll from the latest Codecs.7z file. All these files are compatible with mainline 7-Zip versions.

      • Brian

        Brian - 2017-06-22

        Yep, works! Wicked-awesome - thanks! I left a message at the Dopus forum asking about something else related.
        .....Hoping to get Dopus's recompression part working, for the Zstd-level-11 use case I have in mind for lightning-fast deleting and replacing of files from a [~160MB encrypted] original archive.

        It still amazes me how near-lzma2 compression that Zstd can acheive for it's super speed. Amazing! :)


        Last edit: Brian 2017-06-22
  • Brian

    Brian - 2017-06-22

    OH.. One question I have is regarding how the codec files should be named (not the 7z.dll compatible dll) in order for 7z.exe to recognize them.. For the, in my case, x64 versions.. Do they have to be renamed taking out the "-x64" part?


    Last edit: Brian 2017-06-22

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