
Patch adding lzip extract support

  • Antonio Diaz Diaz

    Dear Igor,

    I have written a patch that adds lzip decompression (extract) support to 7-Zip.

    Instructions on how to apply the patch are included in the file README_7zip_lzip_patch.

    The patch is small because it uses the LZMA decoding and CRC32 code in 7-Zip, and just adds a little code to decode and verify the lzip format header and trailer.

    I hope that you may consider accepting it, as it does not add any new codec to 7-Zip.

    Thanks in advance, and thank you for LZMA,

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2016-10-13

    Patch code is not required for me.
    If I decide to add another lzma based format to 7-zip, format specification will be enough for me to implement it.
    But I'm not sure now that we really need it now.

    • Quoth

      Quoth - 2019-08-21

      Hi Igor,

      Please reconsider adding support for lzip. My organization would like to start using it internally, but without support in the most widely available open-source extraction utility we have for Windows, it will be difficult to justify such a move.

      From a preservation perspective I think lzip presents enough benefits over other Linux-based formats to warrant its existence and use, but lack of cross-platform support for extraction seems to be a factor stifling its uptake (as it is for us), something the 7-Zip project could help remedy without much trouble.

      If for no other reason, I hope it would be worth the effort just to help preserve access to those files already stored in this archive format, like you do with so many other compressed formats, and for which I and many I work with are frequently grateful.

      So thanks again for all your efforts on the 7-Zip project, and for its continued support. I very much hope you can help with this request.


      Last edit: Quoth 2019-08-22
      • Shell

        Shell - 2019-08-21

        There are third-party tools that support lzip. If you want to have original 7-Zip, you can consider the Lzip7z plugin; or you may prefer a port named 7-zip-zstd (both are easily found in search engines).
        UPD: the latter seems to not support lzip. Well, there still is a plugin.


        Last edit: Shell 2019-08-21
        • Quoth

          Quoth - 2019-08-22

          Thank you both, this will certainly help. I was unaware 7-Zip supported plugins.

      • Vladimir Surguchev

        There is 7z plugin to handle lzip format --

  • Matias A. Fonzo

    Matias A. Fonzo - 2016-10-13


    The patch is small, it doesn't it hurts for an inclusion. Please, can you add the support?

  • hurda77

    hurda77 - 2016-10-25

    E.g. OpenGApps are using .lz for compressing the Google-apps, and I noticed that because 7zip couldn't open the files.

    AFAIK there's no Windows-GUI-Archiver with support for .lz yet, but apparently BandiZip 6.0 is going to be the first now, as it's going to support it in version 6.0 (currently in beta).

    Regarding XZ vs Lzip:

  • Brian

    Brian - 2016-10-31

    I have the feeling that resistance to implementing this format is more about politics than it is about technical concerns, especially given that this patch mostly uses code that's already part of 7-zip. Political fights really do not fit well into software, and they certainly do not benefit the end user.

    One of 7-zip's greatest strengths is its ability to open so many different file formats, many of which I'm sure use the same compression algorithms on the backend. Adding this patch simply allows another file format to be used.

    Maybe the lzip author is not as professional as he could be, and the "XZ is inadequate" paper might be seen as inflamatory to some, but this is an opportunity for the 7zip project to "take the high road" and be inclusive to the whole community.


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