
7zip Not in Context Menu

  • Senthil Kannan

    Senthil Kannan - 2024-07-26

    When I right click in File Explorer on Windows 10, 7zip doesn't show up, How do I fix this?


    Last edit: Senthil Kannan 2024-07-26
  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-07-26

    Right click in File Explorer for what item?
    Try it for txt file and for some folder.
    If it doesn't work, install 7-zip again and reboot system.

  • Senthil Kannan

    Senthil Kannan - 2024-07-26

    Ok I uninstalled it, then reinstalled and restarted but it's still not working.
    Here examples of right clicking on a .txt and .zip but it not showing up.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-07-26

    Please show exact detailed version of Windows.
    Do you have additional antivirus software?

    I didn't ask you to uninstall 7-zip.
    So please install 7-zip again and reboot system.
    Does it ask you administrator rights during 7-zip installing?

    After system reboot:
    Show all files in C:\Program Files\7-Zip\ folder.
    And show window from 7-zip File Manager / menu / Tools / Options / 7-Zip.


    Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2024-07-26
  • Senthil Kannan

    Senthil Kannan - 2024-07-26

    No, just Windows Defender.

    After I uninstalled I reinstalled it, so those screenshots are right after a fresh install and restart.
    No it doesn't ask for admin rights.

    Here are screenshots of the OS version, folder contents, and Menu

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-07-27

    7z2407.exe is 32-bit 7-Zip (x86) that doesn't contain 64-bit code required by 64-bit Explorer.
    You must use 7z2407-x64.exe installer for 64-bit Windows instead.

  • Senthil Kannan

    Senthil Kannan - 2024-07-27

    That worked, thank you so much!


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