
How to set default 7z compression?

  • Og--

    Og-- - 2010-08-30

    Hi all,
    Having a problem with7z 9.13 beta (probably 64bit) for windows on win7 ultimate x64: I don't know how to set default 7z compression parameters for the right-click context menu (I.E. "Add to <archive>.7z).
    Any help will be appreciated.


  • Gabriel Magana-Gonzalez

    I always thought it used whatever the last settings you used for a non-quick compression (the "Add to Archive…" right click option).

    I could be wrong, if so please correct me someone.

  • Vacon

    Vacon - 2010-08-30

    Hello everyone,

    the default values for "Add to <archive>.7z" are hardcoded and can only be changed in 7-Zip's sources.
    But the values for "Add to …" can be set in the dialog that opens and indeed are remembered for later usage.

    Best regards!

  • Og--

    Og-- - 2010-08-31

    Thank you vacon, that is indeed unfortunate.

    Was it always like this? Because I seem to remember, like gmagana said, that it was set by the last setting of the Add to dialog, that is why I was so surprised when I found out otherwise.

    I hoped that there was at least some registry value I could change, though :(

    • dmsuser

      dmsuser - 2019-10-08

      ...nine years later I don't get it.

      Vacon is says "...and indeed are remembered for later usage. " And you reply
      "I seem to remember ... that it was set by the last setting of the Add to dialog"

      And then (although you both seem to be saying the same) the thread goes on and on.
      Well never mind.

  • Vacon

    Vacon - 2010-08-31

    Hello everyone,

    I don't remember for how long this is that way. But please tell me what's "unfortunate" about *one* additional click?

    Best regards!

  • Og--

    Og-- - 2010-08-31

    Hello Dr. Nick!

    *One*  additional click (+some mouse movement, if you really want to nitpick) can be unfortunate when:

    A. You're making that click about 50 times a day.
    B. You remember, just after that 4 GiB file finished compressing, that you forgot that extra click (because you are used to the "Add to <archive>.7z" from years of usage).
    C. You *DON'T* remember that you forgot that extra click…
    D. You wonder how many files you have backed up with the wrong settings (not much to do about it now, though).

    These are just a few examples from the top of my head.
    Now, it's important that I emphasize that I didn't demand, or even request anything to be implemented (even though I did wish it) - 7zip is free and I'm grateful for it. but don't tell me it isn't unfortunate for me, because it is.

    Best regards!

  • Vacon

    Vacon - 2010-08-31

    Hello everyone,

    lovely :-)
    Who told you it's *not* unfortunate for you? I asked *why* it is. Not more, not less.

    Best regards!

  • Vacon

    Vacon - 2010-08-31

    Hello everyone,

    while we are at it: why don't you simply write a batch with the settings you like and put it into your "Send to"-folder? Could be helpful to prevent problems arising from … err…  too bad, I forgot the word… Am… Am… Amnesia :-)

    Best regards!

  • Og--

    Og-- - 2010-08-31

    Hello Dr. Nick!

    I don't see how it could help me remember that I'm not supposed to use the "Add to…" feature… Unless you want me to delete it from the context menu (?).
    Oh, and by the way, you didn't forget the word, you simply got it all wrong, it isn't called Amnesia, it's called "Being human", you should try it :-)

    Best regards!

  • Vacon

    Vacon - 2010-08-31

    Hello everyone,

    a) it shall not help you to remember something. It shall help you to make archives the way you seem to like it -> with a single click. Call it workaround.
    b) hey, you call me Dr. Nick -> it's my job to get things wrong :-)

    Best regards!

  • Og--

    Og-- - 2010-09-01

    LOL, good one! :)
    I thought you missed the Simpsons reference.

  • Stefan

    Stefan - 2011-11-27

    Did something change about the roadmap concerning the default compression settings when using the "Add to <filename>.zip" or "Add to <filename>.7z" context menu?

    I was using WinRAR before I switched to 7-zip. In WinRAR I have grown to like to have some way to modify the default compression parameters. It would be really great if this feature would also be included in 7-zip either by explicit definition in the program options or by using the last settings from the "Add to archive…" context menu!

  • Torsten Moses

    Torsten Moses - 2012-03-19

    Not having the ability to define "compression defaults" for compression using context menu items is indeed a reason for me to go back to WinRAR, and also to pay for - few Euros, but habing zip/7z files about 30%…40% bigger than they would do (using GUI) is much more expensive …
    It seems, this kind of real user needs (see posts from misterog, and answers by vacon) did not trigger any improvements here, for years …

    very bad - I started to love 7-Zip :-(

    Sorry for, and many greetings to all !

  • aaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaa - 2012-03-31

    An option to freely choose the default compression for the context menu items "add to <filename>.zip" and "…7z" would save me a lot of time. Given that 7-zip is so popular it makes sense to have such an option. We don't all use it for the same tasks so we likely have very different preferences. It is a waste that the program has the power to use various compression strength. The only thing missing is a little option box in the settings.

  • Meisam

    Meisam - 2018-12-15

    It is a waste that a program have a such a strong compression algorithm, but missing such simple options in UI

  • Lorem

    Lorem - 2023-02-14

    any good news about this implentation, i was wondering the same thing, i dont want to use a batch scripts and console, i just want that if a use Add to name.7z archive it uses the max settings of compression


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