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  • ssc19940105

    ssc19940105 - 2014-09-12

    Pictures in all archive file can’t be opened by Windows Photo Viewer.

    I like 7-zip very much!!!

    • i_a

      i_a - 2014-09-14

      It's a known bug with windows photo viewer, you can search here for a detailed reason, I remember that the only way around it is to use a different image viewer, IrfanView or XnView work fine (you need to set them as default viewers), or if you don't want to change file associations, in 7zip File Manager menu go to: tools->options, in the editor tab under view select an image viewer (IrfanView), next time when you wan to see a picture in an archive use the F3 button and it will open in IView

    • hurda77

      hurda77 - 2014-10-31

      Hey, genius, change the title of the thread.
      It's breaking the layout of the forum.


      Last edit: hurda77 2014-10-31
    • hurda77

      hurda77 - 2014-11-26

      hey, anybody at home?

  • Andreas Hoppe

    Andreas Hoppe - 2014-09-15

    I have an similar problem viewing *.html files in an zip-file. Error "file not found".
    Using version 9.32, same in 9.25

    • i_a

      i_a - 2014-09-16

      I haven't used IE in a long time, but I think that was the reason photo viewer had bugs too, it didn't open the file in a certain amount of time and the File Manager deleted the file, try using Firefox or Chrome as the default browser.

  • Andreas Hoppe

    Andreas Hoppe - 2014-10-10

    I tried the scenario with firefox (as default browser), and opening *.html-files in an .zip/.7z file was ok.
    Unfortunately the InternetExplorer (9) is set as default browser in our environment and cant't be changed so easy.

    I made serveral tests with version 9.20, 9.25. 9.32 and 9.34, both on Win7-SP1 x86 and x64 and IE9 and latest IE11. There was always the same result:

    If there is no (!) iexplore.exe process running, the first *.html-file (opened out from 7zfm.exe) will open with the Internet Explorer!! Trying to open another html-file out from this archive will result in an new browser tab with error 'the webpage can't be displayed'.

    After closing the whole IE browser first, the html-file will will be displayed correctly.

    While making some test scenarios I monitored the %TEMP% folder where the files should be temporarily be extracted from 7zip and opened from this location in the corresponding application.

    While there was no iexplore process running, the html file was opened correct in IE. The iexplore.exe process is therefor starting as a child process from 7zfm.exe. In %TEMP% there was an folder "7zO" followed by 8 HEX-digits. The first html-file can be found here.
    The second html file wont't be opened in IE; the still exitsing %TEMP%\7zO-Folder (there ist just this one folder) still shows just the first opened file. The path to the second html-file in another and new (!) 7zO folder, that is shown in the new IE tab, is not (anymore) existing.

    Perhaps the cause for 7z is, that there are always two iexplore.exe processes minimum running and you take the false; or WIN7 won't admit it, that another iexplore process as child from 7zfm can be started.

    Also an security issue: Closing 7zfm.exe will not delete the 7zO-Folder or its content! The %TEMP%/7zO-files or folders will only be deleted when the browser (or the corresponding application running as 7zfm-child process) is closed first before closing 7zfm!

    Take a archive containing just *.txt files. All files can be opened parallel in always new (7zfm child) processes from notepad.exe. For every txt-file a new 7zO temp folder will be created containing just this one txt file.

    Why don't you extract temporarily the whole archive to the one temp folder when opening one file out of it, perhaps with a configurable limit size? So all files can be viewed from this one location...
    There would also be the benefit that (jpg) pictures can be viewed in photo editor by navigating backwards and forwards. This wish was also discussed here in the forum.

    Hope you can reproduce my problem and solving it within a coming version of your great tool.



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