
Supporting double-click and drag'n'drop on Windows

  • Roeland Schoukens


    So at the moment 7-zip has a somewhat obnoxious behaviour (on Windows at least) when you either double-click, or drag a file onto a program:

    1 it extracts the dragged / clicked file to a temporary folder
    2 (I assume) it tells the OS to open that file / sends a message to that program
    3 It deletes that file
    4 the program used to open the file processes the message to open that file, but by then the file is gone.

    Smart programs may lock the file for reading until they come around for actually opening the file, which will cause step (3) to fail. In that case the file is left in the temporary folder.

    Maybe it would be better to just not support those actions. Maybe show the extract dialog by default on double-click?

    The behaviour of most other programs (archivers, browsers, e-mail clients, etc…) is to delete the temporary files when te application exits. The more considerate ones will mark the file as read-only so the user doesn't start editing these files just to have them deleted later.

  • Shell

    Shell - 2015-10-20

    This problem has already been discussed in this forum (e.g. here), though not solved yet. Some ideas how to solve the problem in question have been suggested, so I believe Igor Pavlov is considering them.

  • Roeland Schoukens

    OK I'll join that discussion.


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