Bulrush - 2021-02-28

I have 7zip v19 (x64) on Windows 10, I use mainly the cmd line 7z.

I made a .zip archive with 7z using this command line: 7z a -ppassword chuck.zip myfile.csv

When I double clicked on the .zip file Winrar 3.62 opened it without asking for a password. When I did a list on the .zip file 7z did not ask for a password either.

When I did: 7z l chuck.zip 7z did not ask for a password and just showed the files.

How can I make sure that 7z is encrypting the file with a password?

EDIT: Ok it looks like 7z and Winrar will show the files if there is a password. If I try to extract the files 7z and Winrar then ask for a password.


Last edit: Bulrush 2021-02-28