
#2455 MyCom.h AddRef/Release is not atomic


I've been building a .NET Core wrapper for 7z. In .NET, all objects are managed automatically and garbage collected lazily in one or more garbage collector threads.

7z's COM objects use non-atomic methods for AddRef and Release. In this scenario, during an ::Expand() operation, 7z generates a ton of CLimitedSequentialInStream's all referencing the same parent stream. When these streams are lazily disposed by multiple garbage collector threads, they also release their reference to their parent stream.
Since they all share the same parent stream, when all these objects are disposed in a multi-threaded Release, the AddRef/Release exhibits unpredictable behavior resulting usually in a crash due to use-after-free or a heap corruption error.

C/Threads.h and Threads.c declare a cross-platform method for InterlockedIncrement, but no InterlockedDecrement. I added an InterlockedDecrement in here, and modified MyCom.hto perform proper atomic addref's and release's, which ultimately resolved the problem.


  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-03-28

    CLimitedSequentialInStream is internal class inside 7z library. that object is created and destoyed in 7z code.

    7-zip calls Release() in CMyComPtr class destructors and in some another code.
    So why it doesn't work in NET?
    How CMyComPtr destructor work in .NET?

    Do you compile whole 7-zip code in some .NET mode?
    Maybe you can you compile 7-zip code in usual C++ mode, and then call that C++ code from .net code?

  • Robert Simpson

    Robert Simpson - 2024-03-28

    I don't have to compile the 7z code at all, I can use your binaries from the website and have the same result.

    The problem is that in .NET, the garbage collector runs in a separate thread. The thread that caused 7z to create an object is not the same thread that will call Release on that object. Because of that, there is a race condition where 7z can be executing AddRef at the same time it is executing Release on the same object.

    A sample scenario:
    1. Main .NET thread A calls IInArchiveGetStream::GetStream(). 7z internally creates CLimitedSequentialInStream, which in turn calls ::SetStream with a shared parent IInStream (triggering an AddRef on that pointer) and returns the interface for ISequentialInstream back to the caller.
    2. Thread A uses the interface to do something and then the object goes out of scope.
    3. Thread A loops back to step 1 to get another stream.
    4. .NET background Thread B then garbage collects the object from step 2.
    5. Thread A is inside 7z code, which has created a new CLimitedSequentialInsStream and internally calls ::SetStream and passes in a parent IInStream object to it, which triggers AddRef to be called on the parent IInStream object.
    6. Thread B has called Release on the out of scope ISequentialInStream which inside 7z triggers a delete which triggers a call to Release on the shared parent IInStream reference.
    7. Thread A in step 5 is executing at the same time as thread B in step 6. One thread is calling AddRef on the shared IInStream, and the other thread is calling Release on the same exact pointer. Since AddRef and Release are not atomic, the _m_RefCount gets stomped and is no longer accurate.

    I can replicate this scenario in C++ without using .NET easily by having one thread call GetStream repeatedly and having another thread call Release on the returned objects in parallel. Eventually the shared parent stream gets destroyed by 7z because the reference count gets messed up and 7z will crash.

    In an ideal world it would be great if .NET didn't work this way and I could deterministically destroy objects in the same thread that created them, but unfortunately in .NET Core you can't call Release directly. Technically there is a call that can do it, but it only works in Windows and I'm not running in Windows.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-03-28

    7-zip code doesn't allow to work with multiple GetStream() objects simultaneously from same archive handler object.
    So the caller must close GetStream() object before requesting another GetStream() object.

  • Robert Simpson

    Robert Simpson - 2024-03-28

    Technically it's not "working with", it's just calling Release from the other thread which triggers 7z to delete the object. So if you're saying 7z can't delete an object created by another thread, then yeah there's a serious problem using 7z from .NET.

    In the testing I've done with 7z, all I've needed to do is make AddRef/Release atomic. Once I did that, everything in .NET seems to work perfectly. The only call .NET will ever make to a 7z object in a different thread is Release.

  • Robert Simpson

    Robert Simpson - 2024-03-28

    If Release is atomic, then the subsequent delete is also going to be atomic and only ever called once. So unless 7z is using thread-static member variables, deleting an object from another thread shouldn't be a problem I would think?

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-03-28

    7-zip uses such scheme:
    use stream
    use stream

    For example, it's not allowed to use 2 streams from same archive simultaneously.
    We don't need atomic Release in 7zip code now.
    Maybe there is way in .net to call Release in same places as done in C++ code of 7-Zip.

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-03-28

    I tested the code with Z7_COM_USE_ATOMIC.
    But I will not use Z7_COM_USE_ATOMIC by default.

    #define Z7_COM_ADDREF_RELEASE_MT \
      private: \
      STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() Z7_override Z7_final \
        { return (ULONG)InterlockedIncrement((LONG *)&_m_RefCount); } \
      STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() Z7_override Z7_final \
        { const LONG v = InterlockedDecrement((LONG *)&_m_RefCount); \
          if (v != 0) return (ULONG)v; \
          delete this;  return 0; }
    #define Z7_COM_QI_END_MT \
      else return E_NOINTERFACE; \
      InterlockedIncrement((LONG *)&_m_RefCount); /* AddRef(); */ return S_OK; }
    // you can define Z7_COM_USE_ATOMIC,
    // if you want to call Release() from different threads (.NET)
    #define Z7_COM_USE_ATOMIC
    #ifdef Z7_COM_USE_ATOMIC
    #ifndef _WIN32
    #if 0
    #include "../../C/Threads.h"
    LONG InterlockedIncrement(LONG volatile *addend);
    LONG InterlockedDecrement(LONG volatile *addend);
    #endif // _WIN32
    #define Z7_COM_QI_END  Z7_COM_QI_END_MT
    #else // Z7_COM_USE_ATOMIC
    #define Z7_COM_QI_END \
      else return E_NOINTERFACE; \
      ++_m_RefCount; /* AddRef(); */ return S_OK; }
    #define Z7_COM_ADDREF_RELEASE \
      private: \
      STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() throw() Z7_override Z7_final \
        { return ++_m_RefCount; } \
      STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() throw() Z7_override Z7_final \
        { if (--_m_RefCount != 0) return _m_RefCount;  delete this;  return 0; }
    #endif // !Z7_COM_USE_ATOMIC

    Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2024-03-28
  • Robert Simpson

    Robert Simpson - 2024-03-28

    This probably goes without saying, but I assume you tested this in Linux? I had to add definitions for InterlockedDecrement in Threads.h and Threads.c for GCC.

    Incidentally, what's wrong with using the Interlocked atomic functions by default for the reference count? Are you concerned about performance implications?

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2024-03-28

    I tested both Linux and Windows.
    InterlockedDecrement in Release by default gives slightly larger code and maybe slower, if we have very big calling rate. Maybe __sync_sub_and_fetch and InterlockedDecrement are fast. But I didn't test it.

    Also we need some code stubs for single thread compiling.

    Actually because I don't need that feature in my C++ 7-Zip code, I don't want to use InterlockedDecrement by default. I'll think it more later.


    Last edit: Igor Pavlov 2024-03-28

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