
#2051 Extraction failed - This is no longer located in


Version: 16.04 (64-bit)
Environment: Windows 10 Professional 64-bit (10.0.10586)
Severity: Critical

Unable to extract files and recieving the following error message:

Could not find this item
This is no longer located in
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\7zE86BA51F2. Verify the item's locatoin and try again.

It is known that our IT department is pushing policies, despite having admin rights & them denying it. With other programs we have to manually set the Temp directory (C:\Temp) for it to work.

I attempted to resolve the issue via 7z > Tools > Options > Folders > Working Forlder: "Specified". But this did not solve the issue. It is still going to the AppData temp location.

We have our database backups and other archived data which is completely inaccessable now. I know it's not your fault, it's our (stupid) IT's. This could be resolved if we can manually set the temp extraction location.


  • Brook Monroe

    Brook Monroe - 2018-06-20

    Yes, it's painful. The odd thing is that "extract here" just works. I don't see why "extract here" works but dragging the file out doesn't. I'm going to change ownership of the users folder all the way down to see if that helps.
    Well, apparently I'm not going to do that. It was a nice thought, though.


    Last edit: Brook Monroe 2018-06-20
  • Damian

    Damian - 2018-07-10

    Re-tested with version 18.05 (x64) and the same results.
    Even when changing, Working forlder to all varoius types, it still occurrs. The working folder never actually changes to your selected type.

    • Thank you

    Last edit: Damian 2018-07-10
  • Chris Conley

    Chris Conley - 2018-09-10

    I'm able to replicate this behavior as well, running 8.05 (x64) on Win10 1709. It's a corporate machine, and I don't have full visibility into all policies.

    I do not experience this on a personal laptop running Win 10 1803.


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