Error with Command Line Packing
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I use 7Zip from the command line and I get a reproduceable.
Current Directory: d:\arbeit\test\
7za a -tzip ..\..\cvsroot\* -r
The above shown command should zip the folder
d:\cvsroot and all including folders recursively.
The problem is, that the command includes the folder
cvsroot in an link to the c:\ (Drive).
The only thing at the highest level of the zip-File
contains the link to c:\ in which lies the cvsroot
folder and that is not alright.
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Here is the zip-File
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cd ..\..\cvsroot\ 7za a -tzip d:\arbeit\test\ * -r
The test zip File
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I have tested your suggestion and it worked fine. But the
error still remains.
I have made a few tests and the result is that this
phenomenom comes into existence when the directory which
should be zipped is more or equal (>=) 2 directories above.
I have now a smaller file which shows the result of
this operation.
The command is the the same as shown above and brings the
same result if cvsroot-directory lies direct under d or in a
The criteria for the problem is that it must be more than 2
directories above the current dir.
7za a -tzip ..\..\cvsroot\* -r
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> But the error still remains.
What error? Just use command without "..\..\"
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> What error? Just use command without "..\..\"
The error is that the zip-File contains a link to the c:
drive. When you unzip the file all works fine, but if you
look inside the file with Windows-Explorer or with Total
Commander you see the link to the c: drive. And that
phenomenom comes into existence only if I use the .. in the
directory-name. A zip just from d:\ lets all go on normal.
This problem exists with Beta 29 and 30. I experienced this
on Windows XP.
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The problem still exists with version 3.13