
settimino in ESP8266

  • Jaume Nogues

    Jaume Nogues - 2016-11-17

    Hi. First at all especial thanks to Davide for creating snap7 and ssttimino.
    I'm a teacher in a tech school in Barcelona. This course I'm using Logo! 0BA8 with Arduino's UNO + ethernet shield + settimino. The Arduino's are remote digital input/outputs and remote analog inputs of the main Logo!.
    The last 2 weeks I'm trying to port settimino to ESP8266, because it has more power of computation and is WiFi!!, but my skills in programming aren't enough. I need some help.
    I think the problem in here: file Settimino.h, line 158

    EthernetClient TCPClient;

    Could somebody help me?
    Best regards.

    Jaume Nogués
    ramblaPrim Tech School


    Last edit: Jaume Nogues 2016-11-17
  • Davide Nardella

    Davide Nardella - 2016-11-17

    Hi Jaume,
    another user managed this, but, my fault, I'm not able to find the time to include it into Settimino library :(

    I report the email and I thank publicly Geoffrey Hayward Piggot

    HI Dave,

    I messaged on Facebook, but thought you may check your email more regularly. I have managed to port the Settimino project to the ESP8266 so that we can now have tiny wireless peripherals connected to siemens PLCs.

    The library had to be slightly modified and possibly should include an #ifdefWIFI of something like that but it is interchangeable now by uncommenting the wifiesp client call. I have included the working version of the files and sample project that I can confirm works with a S7-1200.

    Hope this can help others take the power of settimino and snap7 to a whole new level.




  • Jaume Nogues

    Jaume Nogues - 2016-11-17

    Really god news! thanks to Geoffrey and Davide. The next days I try it!!
    When my project will work propertly Iwill share with the comunity.
    Another time, thanks for share settimino!


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