
Connect two Arduinos with WINAC

  • Jan Warnken

    Jan Warnken - 2016-09-04

    i want to connect two Arduino Mega with Ethernet Shield, to a WINAC CPU.
    It doesn't work...

    The first Arduino is connecting without problem, but if i connect the second, both have no connection.
    Is it even possible to connect two Arduinos with one PLC?

    Thanks to your reply!



    Last edit: Jan Warnken 2016-09-04
  • Davide Nardella

    Davide Nardella - 2016-09-04

    Why do you need to use tsap to connect Arduino ?
    You can use ConnectTo(IP,Rack,Slot).
    Rack is always 0, Slot is the position of the virtual CPU into the Rack of the PC Station.

    That said, use OP as connection type.

    Finally, are you completely sure that the two Arduino have different IP addresses ?
    If they have the same IP they cannot work together (just like two PC into the same network)

  • Jan Warnken

    Jan Warnken - 2016-09-04

    Thank you for your reply,
    i think i have a problem with my Network Connection...

    The ping function isn't clear.

    I will report

  • Jan Warnken

    Jan Warnken - 2016-09-05

    it really was a network failure.

    Now it runs with no problems!

    Thanks for the great library!!!!!



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