
Seti@home for BOINC / News: Recent posts

Astropulse with GPU math checked in

Eric Heien has checked Astropulse (a SETI@home application currently in beta) into the CVS repository. Under the client directory you will find fftgpu with experimental versions of fft code running on GPUs.

Posted by Eric J. Korpela 2004-12-21

Great optimization document

Check out this optimization document. It is designed toward Pentium processors, but it has usefull information for all CPUs.

Organizing data for best cache usage, avoiding dependancy chains, associativity in caches and what it means VS memory addresses....

Posted by Ben Herndon 2004-11-15

Initial SSE/3DNow posted

to see, use online CVS or checkout.

Branch is "runtime_SIMD_select"

Posted by Ben Herndon 2004-11-15