
Project Admins:

SerialToIP is a .NET 2.0 C# implementation of a typical SERIAL PORT
to TCP/IP connection software a.k.a. Terminal server software.
It makes it possible to communicate with a serial port (USB serial
ports included) attached device from the local LAN or even from the Internet
using well supported TCP socket communications.

Project provides both the command line application and the GUI application.

The project aims to provide a simple FREE solution to a common problem.
Thus there is no implementation of security layers or advanced local
or remote configuration options, but just plain and simple working code.
The source code aims to be clear to understand and develop further by anyone
with reasonable SW development experience about C#, .NET, serial ports and sockets.

Latest news:
2015-NOV-01 Maintenance release.
Improved the GUI's UX and made it look more "modern" with sharp edges.
Added transmitted and received bytes count diagnostics to the GUI.
Added "list" option to the command line application to list the available serial ports.
2014-OCT-09 Error fix: At least the SerialToIP GUI in Server-mode was possible
to close in such a way that the GUI window was closed but
the process remained in memory. This happened if socket connection
from remote client was active when SerialToIP GUI was closed.
Enhancement (GUI): Made the serial port selection dropdown a bit larger.
2014-MAR-14 Enhanced the UX of GUI-version with larger fonts and added some UI logic.
Added easy all-in-one-source code ZIP-package download to the Files section.
2012-JUL-19 Just commenting that somebody requested that source files would be
available as a ZIP. Notice that you can get the development
tree quite easily at once with a single SVN (command line)
client checkout command like this (or equivalent with TortoiseSVN):

svn checkout https://polarlightning@svn.code.sf.net/p/serialtoip/code serialtoip-code