
Simplest Ever REST Framework for Java / News: Recent posts

New release 0.4.0

Great new features in this 0.4.0 version:

Version 0.4.0 (20120808)

Feature: Default FileSerializer implementation, now is possible to serve files for downloading.
Feature: New default extension (.file) for serving files.
Feature: Within functional style you are able to implement generic serializers for whatever model you have.
Feature: Now javax.servlet.ServletContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest and javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse are accessible from controllers.
Patch: Instead of implementing net.sf.serfj.serializers.Serializer developers must implement net.sf.serfj.serializers.ObjectSerializer for serializing objects.
Patch: RestController.addObject2request is deprecated in favour of RestController.putParam

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2012-08-08

Project moved to GitHub

In order to get more collaboration, the management and source code has been moved to GitHub:

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2012-04-26

New release 0.3.4

I have the pleasure to announce a new release of SerfJ, this is bugfix release.

Relase notes for this version:

Defect #37: RestController.getRemoteAddress() doesn't check proxy headers

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2012-04-23

Released 0.3.3 version

I have the pleasure to announce a new release of SerfJ, this is bugfix release.

Relase notes for this version:

Defect #36: Requests with null param values causes NPE
Binaries built for Java 5

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2012-04-20

Version 0.3.2 released!

I have the pleasure to announce a new release of SerfJ, this is mainly a bugfix release. I have to give thanks to Christian Kasper for detecting serious problems and give some solutions to them.

Relase notes for this version:

Patch #32: Updated Maven plugins and added versions at POM for plugins without version.
Patch #33: Updated JAR dependencies versions
Patch #34: Built on Java 6
Defect #27: Extension .64 doesn't work. Now it's changed to .base64. Tests added.
Defect #28: For resources called 'Signatures' the singular is not well made. Added an exception for signatures. Tests added.
Defect #29: Identifiers for resources didn't allow alphabet chars although the
identifier started with number. Changed to allow this kind of identifiers. Tests added.
Defect #30: GroupId for serfj must be net.sf.serfj instead of net.sf. Changed to net.sf.serfj.
Defect #31: When not serializer is found a NullPointerException is thrown.
Defect #35: NPE thrown when server is not reached
Documentation #17: Fix Javadoc formatting

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2012-03-14

Version 0.3.1 released!

This new release solves a fatal bug that returned null when getId(resource) was called.

  • Bugfix: Calling getId(resource) always returns null
  • Feature: Add method getId() to controllers
  • Patch: RestServlet refactor
Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2011-08-05

SerfJ en Español

Since this post is addressed to Spanish speaking people, I will write it in Spanish. But in short, now you’ll notice that a flag icon is on the top right corner of the website, well, now there is a Spanish version of the site.

Lo prometido es deuda, y he traducido las páginas que hay hasta ahora al español para todos aquellos que no se defiendan con el inglés. Como explico en la página de comunidad, el idioma de la lista de correo y del grupo de discusión de Google es el inglés, pero sois libres de preguntar y escribir en Español si lo deseáis. Si por lo que fuese la comunidad hispana fuese grande, ya me encargaría de crear una lista y/o grupo para tratar los temas en Español.... read more

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2010-08-25

Website is ready!

You have a new site with some documentation that will guide you in order to use this fantastic REST framework.

I have to add more documentation, but for now it's enough to learn how to use SerfJ.

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2010-07-24

0.3.0 stable release is out!

A new release is out, it's now on some stable projects, has a lot of new features, and most important, we have a new website where you can find some documentation and a guide about how to use this fantastic framework.

The new site will be ready in one day or two. New features:

*  Defect #5: Setting off suffix aliases does controller finder or serializer finder to not work
* Feature #1: Serializers to answer request in customized formats
* Feature #2: Let the developer choose how an action must answer a request
* Feature #3: Forward to a page directly
* Feature #6: Annotations to mark controller methods as GET, POST, PUT or DELETE
* Feature #7: Get request's params
* Feature #8: Add objects to requests
* Feature #9: Client to make REST request
* Patch #4: Path for default serializers configurable... [read more](/p/serfj/news/2010/07/030-stable-release-is-out/)
Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2010-07-23

Preparing a new release

New release is almost here. The framework has a lot of changes since previous 0.2.0 version, many bug fixes that didn't get it work properly, and several new features that will allow developers to have more powerful REST controllers.
Before 0.3.0 is released I have to finish the new documentation and a tutorial to show how to use this simple framework.

For people interested in source code, now I have 'mavenized' the project, so it's easier to build it.... read more

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2010-03-13

SERFJ new website

One day after the 0.2.0 release ( I'm able to announce a new website with features like forums, ticket tracking, news, roadmap, files download, etc...

You can visit us at:

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2009-08-23

SERFJ: 0.2.0 release with documentation

After a lot of work to refine the code and to improve the features the next release is finished. But the most important thing is that I've written a manual for the framework. Don't be afraid, it's only a page in HTML format where you'll be able to know how it works and how to use it.
This new release is distributed in a single .ZIP file where you can find the source code, the jar with the classes, manual and dependency libraries.... read more

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2009-08-22

Release 0.1.0

First version of the framework. Compiled with JSDK 1.6.0_13 & JavaEE 5.

Now I'm working on a web sample application, and the documentation and tutorial to learn how to use the library. Anyway it's very easy, all you need is to configure your web application to use com.elpaso.serfj.RestServlet for REST request... Well, probably you'll need some tips, and I'm working on it now!

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2009-05-02

It's ready

Hello, tiday I've noticed the project is alive, I've never received an email from SF confirming the project approval, so finally I can submit any code.

Posted by Eduardo Yáñez Parareda 2007-12-19