
SerenoCMS / News: Recent posts

SerenoCMS 0.0.2 Available

SerenoCMS 0.0.2 is now available. This release contains the preliminary user management functions, as well as a few testing scripts, developer's notes, libraries, etc.; enough for new developers to join in. More to come soon!

Posted by Shayne Parrish 2005-08-14

Preliminary Files Released!

SerenoCMS 0.0.1 has been released. This package contains a readme file explaining some of the goals and conventions of the project, as well as a preliminary directory structure and some of the required libraries that will be used. If you are interested in developing for this project, please download this package and contact me to find out where to start! Also, please feel free to use our forum at

Posted by Shayne Parrish 2005-08-11

SerenoCMS Revived!

SerenoCMS, a php-based content management system, will be undergoing new development. The focus is on developing a fully modular CMS with as little reliance on third-party programs as possible. We are looking to develop the CMS itself as well as a vast suite of plugin modules that fully integrate into the site. Also, the program is to have a powerful CSS-based templating system, making configuration and modification simple and upgrades smooth and reliable. We are currently looking for PHP developers who are interested in joining the development of this project. The project was all but abandoned nearly 2 years ago, but we are looking forward to great things to come now that the ball is rolling again!

Posted by Shayne Parrish 2005-02-10

New forum for SerenoCMS

SerenoCMS development discussion will now be held on our forum at Please feel free to join and get in on the discussion.

Posted by Shayne Parrish 2003-06-07