
SendYmail / News: Recent posts

SendYmail 0.5.8 released

This release fixes a break caused by a change on Yahoo! login page layout.

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using your favorite e-mail client.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2005-08-04

SendYmail 0.5.7 released

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using your favorite e-mail client.

This release fixes a timeout problem, first noticed on accounts.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2005-02-12

SendYmail 0.5.6 released

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using
your favorite e-mail client.

This release is basically a bug-fix, fixing recent YM breakage (see\). Some hard-wired
limitations, like the one allowing only three attachments per message were
removed. Yahoo! Mail now allows unlimited number of attachments as long as
their total size doesn't exceed 10.0 MB.... read more

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2004-06-26

SendYmail 0.5.5 is broken; patch available

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using your favorite e-mail client.

Since June 15th, Yahoo! began offering 100 MB free e-mail accounts, along with a new, improved layout. Such new layout caused breakage of SendYmail 0.5.5 which is currently not working.

A patch is available at Apply it with:... read more

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2004-06-20

SendYmail 0.5.5 released

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using your favorite e-mail client.

This release is mainly bugfix focused: improved HTML form handling, which fixes recent Yahoo! Mail layout change; fixed a problem with "background" option; and many code fixes.

As improvements, we can highlight: "logout" enable/disable option; full Yahoo! language independence; testing platform, for debug purposes; independent logfile (eg: ~/sendymail.log).

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2003-09-01

SendYmail 0.5.0 released

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using your favorite e-mail client.

Many changes from the last version to this: use of Mail::Address module in Bcc: field creation function; HTML::Form is now used in place of "Get_form" function (makes SendYmail more stable against Yahoo! changes); support for "daemonization" (through "background" option); SendYmail is now language-independent: you can use any Yahoo! account to send e-mails, by disabling "debug" option.... read more

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2003-07-14

SendYmail 0.1.2 released

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using your favorite e-mail client.

Another bugfix-only release. Fixes some problems with Pine (like "not sending messages", "problems with attachments"). Note that these fixes are valid for other mail clients, too. So, a upgrade is recommended.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2003-06-28

SendYmail 0.1.1 released

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using
your favorite e-mail client.

This is a bugfix-only release. It fixes the us-en translation of "logout"
message, changed by Yahoo!

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2003-06-28

SendYmail 0.1.0 released

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using your favorite e-mail client.

This release has some bugfixes and implements a per user configuration (with ~/.sendymailrc file) setup. Account configuration is now done in a separate file. See INSTALL for details.


Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2003-06-16

Few changes in project

- Mailing list "sendymail-devel" was removed. In place, I created two forums, for better administration.

- A basic Web page for the project was made.

And yes, I'm aware of "YahooPOPS!" (at the moment of Sendymail registration, I didn't know any program with its features, maybe because this project's documentation is outdated). I don't like that way to do things (separate source tree for each arquitecture), and I'm a newbie at C++ :-(. So, for a while, I will work only in my Perl code.

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2003-05-28

SendYmail 0.0.1 released

SendYmail allows you to send e-mails through your Yahoo! Mail account, using your favorite e-mail client. This is the first release, so download your copy and make your tests.

Some features implemented are a sendmail-like command line layout, security (SSL and MD5 hash), initial support for international (non-English) accounts and e-mails with attachments.

You can download SendYmail 0.0.1 at

Posted by Anderson Lizardo 2003-05-17