

Si Snow

Database Configuration

Variable Default Value Description
$sekuji_config_dbName sekuji Database name to use
$sekuji_config_dbUser sekuji Database user to connect as
$sekuji_config_dbPass sekuji Database password to use when connecting
$sekuji_config_dbHost localhost Database host to use. You can use either an IP address or hostname, although typically "localhost" is fine

Error Reporting

Variable Default Value Description
$sekuji_config_showDetailedErrors true Shows detailed error messages that have been registered with [sekuji_errors]. In production, you might want to disable this.
$sekuji_config_showExceptionMsg true Shows exact exception error message. Do not use this on a public system.

The fatal error page has three display styles:
Code Only: Only display the error code along with a simple message telling the user something went wrong. To use this style, disable showDetailedErrors.
Detailed: Shows the same message as the Code Only style, but also has another box giving a human readable version of the error code, and a detailed explanation of what went wrong. To use this style, enable showDetailedErrors.
Exception: Displays the same information as the previous two styles, but also includes the exact error message given at point of failure. This can range from complete nonsense to giving out sensitive information, so only use this when developing. showDetailedErrors and showExceptionMsg must both be enabled to use this style.

Module configuration

Variable Default Value Description
$sekuji_config_moduleLoadMax 255 Maximum entries on the module load stack. Hard limit of 6000.


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