
SEHR / News: Recent posts

SEHR still a project by students and under refactoring to JEE 7

Although SEHR is still a project run by students to learn about JEE 7 and medical data processing SEHR libraries are used since 2008 in productive systems. One project takes place in chemotherapy care processing to process the data between physicians creating the protocol for the patient and ordering the drugs from a pharmacological manufactorer. Another field trial has been set up in 2011 to document the application of drugs on the bedside using Android tablets. Electronic health records are transfered from the clinical server to the tablet using the SEHR concept.

Posted by Haase, Hans J. 2013-10-17

SEHR core module closed to beta release

The main module to setup a community server for integrated care in healthcare is very closed to the beta release. The module is running now for 6 month on a real life system and seams to be stable now. Currently the basic module of the patient file system is in a testing stage. After finishing the testingings on both modules we will change the global SEHR project status to 'beta' to acquire more communities that wish to setup a patient information tracking system in integrated care using Linux servers and a Java based C/S system.

Posted by Haase, Hans J. 2004-10-14