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File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2014-01-15 bklava [r19] eclipse project settings
 src 2016-03-10 bklava [r44] Updating copyright year range
 .checkstyle 2013-12-10 bklava [r14] SegmentIt 1.0.4 eclipse files
 .classpath 2014-01-15 bklava [r21] eclipse project settings
 .pmd 2013-12-10 bklava [r14] SegmentIt 1.0.4 eclipse files
 .project 2014-01-15 bklava [r21] eclipse project settings
 LICENSE.txt 2013-12-10 bklava [r13] SegmentIt 1.0.4 license and pom.xml 2016-03-10 bklava [r43] Split region in the hierarchy
 pom.xml 2016-03-10 bklava [r43] Split region in the hierarchy

Read Me

What's new in SegmentIt 1.0.5 (to be released)

  • Setting the composed filter "Color to gray scale + Morphological gradient" as default filter for color images
  • Adapting the weights of the nodes of the hierarchy so the partition selected at each moment corresponds to a horizontal cut through the hierarchy
  • Split region in the hierarchy: allows the user to select micro regions to be split in a new region

What's new in SegmentIt 1.0.4 (Released on December 11th, 2013)

  • Using Maven
  • Using SLF4J for logging features
  • Debug interface for hierarchy if debug level is active for SegmentViaHierarchy
  • Option to randomize colors in hierarchical approach
  • Changing only the colors of the affected regions in hierarchical operations
  • Minor usability improvements in hierarchical approach

What's new in SegmentIt 1.0.3 (Released on May 5th, 2012)

  1. Bug fixes
  2. Performance improvements

    2.1. reusing intermediary structures in the reconstruction of hierarchies (welding by brush operation)
    2.2. decoupling computation of markers from hierarchy structure
    2.3. improvements in data structures
    2.4. redrawing only affected regions in hierarchical operations
    2.5. delayed slider to smoothly select a threshold for the hierarchy

  3. Restructured hierarchies to support arbitrary metrics, not only flooding simulations (only mean value for gray level images, so far)

  4. Option to load/save partition