
#552 adduser and upload file bug in seeddms 5.1.31


Hi All,

I have a perfectly stable - running linux (opensuse) server running seeddms 5.1.11 for the last 2 years.

I successfully setup a new server installed linux(centos8+lamp) using the quickstart tarball. The new server has no users (execpt the stock user admin, guest) nor files uploaded. My plan is to dump all the users (tblUsers) of my seeddms 5.1.11 server here as well as the tblDocumentContents in this new box. I successfully migrated the contents of tblUsers and tblDocuments on this new box without error from the mysql prompt.

However, when I try to add additional users and additional files upload, the new server is NOT allowing me to add more users OR more files. What shows up when I add new users is "Missing action: adduser" or when I add new files it says "an error is encountered".

What is happening here? Did I lock the something up?

Please help!!!

1 Attachments


  • Uwe Steinmann

    Uwe Steinmann - 2023-06-12

    Did you just migrate some of database tables? Why didn't you copy the whole database?

  • RFP

    RFP - 2023-06-12

    I did dump the entire database from my 5.1.11 using mysqldump -u root -p old513.sql > oldserver.sql. and then pop it on the new server with mysqldump u root -p seeddms < old513.sql

    Before doing that I tried to create a user and upload a file to the new server and everything workin ok. User creation as well as file uploading works fine. I deleted the user and file after which then dump the entire database to the new server without any errors showing on the logs. However user creation and file uploading both not working anymore. Server complain of a Missing action: adduser error page everytime you add a new user in the User admin page.

    What am I missing here? Did the db sql file change anything in the server logic code?

  • Uwe Steinmann

    Uwe Steinmann - 2023-06-13

    Try to clear the browser cache. The way you moved the database to another server is perfectly ok. Did you move the data directory as well? Are the access rights of the data directory correct?

  • RFP

    RFP - 2023-06-13

    Yes I moved the entired data directory with underneath 1048576 folder containing 80K subdirs. That directory is owned by the web server user (apache) with a permission of 744 apache.apache.

    I believe the web server is able to access the folder given the 744 permission for user apache group apache.

    I dont know where to look for errors are they are no errors cropping up in /var/log/httpd/error_log or /var/log/messages.

    What is odd is that no new users can be added to the system after importing the database with 8 users. Additing a ninth and a tenth, 11th and 12th user reports a Missing action adduser problem. Attempt to create additional folders from existing imported folders reports "An error encountered" messages. Any ideas?


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