
6.x, webdav and linux

  • Frederic Muller

    Frederic Muller - 2020-10-07


    The documentation or web searches didn't bring much information and it took me a few tries to connect to the webdav part.
    Now I only have Linux around me and when mounting the webdav partition I get to see a few index.php, index.php-slash-Foldername folders. Then opening the index.php I see the folder I'm supposed to access as a subfolder in it.

    Is there a way to not see those index.php... folders , or is a "linux" specificity?

    Thank you.

  • Night Prowler

    Night Prowler - 2020-11-02

    Point your webDAV location directly to the index.php file.

    So, instead of say:

    https:// seeddms /webdav

    https:// seeddms /webdav/index.php


    Last edit: Night Prowler 2020-11-02

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