
New Project

Yeah, I finally put SEDIOS up for more public development.. it was just a minor personal project before but it has alot of potential. I'm not concerned with how far it will go or which direction it will take, I just know that I must code on, and eventually it will take direction of its own. For now I'm just going to keep code trudging on personally and with the help of a few others (SpeedCat who can't seem to get past compiling because his FreeBSD box sucks), my girlfriend who will eventually get past the daze and confusion and take HTML by the horns, Todeskette a long time friend whose curiosity will one day eat him alive.. and Denarian, who doesn't know it but will one day work for me on this project. Muahahaha.. I'll post a report on what SEDIOS will really be about later.. until then watch the mess.

Posted by Shritish 2004-05-14

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