We have changed the name of SecureTerminal to APowerShell. since we move the implmentation based on MS's PowerShell. and new file release will be uploaded later. the new release will include
1) SSHcmdlet for ssh connection
2) Telnetcmdlet for telnet connection
3) a multi-tab support host implementation of powershell
4) a basic console implementation based on PowerShell SDK
Thanks for Roger Leigh's comments. I have restructed the source code,remove some no-use files and give a new Readme.txt file.
All source has been add to CVS already, but the summary page does not display correctly:)
Console and ANSI Terminal implemented,most of the functions are working now.
The 0.1 version is done,simple console and telnet functions have been implemented,most of the terminal functions are not implemented,I have make a test with linux,but seems not work with AIX.
all source code have been move to CVS