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Async-Objects 0.0.3 released

This realease contains socket implementation based on jdk 1.3. sockets and threads. Also there are some usability enchancements. Finnaly there is a readme file.

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2002-09-13

async-objects 0.0.2 released

This version contains better working connect sample that uses nio based sockets.

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2002-09-02

AsyncObjects for Java are in cvs

AsyncObjects for Java are in project cvs under "async-objects" module name. It is a prototype of asynchronous library that will be used for sebyla platform. It allows java programmer to use constructs that are similar to ones found in E programming langauge (

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2002-08-28

Current status update

I'm currently working on parser framework for Sebyla as part of project. Will get back to Sebyla language after parser will reach some working shape.

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2002-08-02