
#111 SEB 2.4 - Wrong password in just one computer

v1.0 (example)

The configuration file has been checked by hundreds on users and it's working as expected, but just one user has the wrong password message. Are there any requirements in Windows 10 that would be missed for the decryption to works?


  • Damian Büchel

    Damian Büchel - 2020-05-27

    This looks like the user is entering the wrong password. Did you check that they are using the correct keyboard layout? You can e.g. verify that the password is entered correctly by typing it in Word...

    • Demetris

      Demetris - 2020-05-27

      There are only numbers in password, that's why I asked if are there any requirements that I can't think of.

  • Demetris

    Demetris - 2020-05-27

    Actually I tried everything, copy/paste from notepad etc. Now there is a second person with the same issue. Is it possible to be related with .NET?


    Last edit: Demetris 2020-05-27
  • Damian Büchel

    Damian Büchel - 2020-05-27

    Regardless, did you type the password in another application beforehand to verify that it actually is correctly entered?

    • Demetris

      Demetris - 2020-05-27

      Yes, everything seems ok and it's only numbers to be language related. I tried uninstalling, deleting every folder and reinstalling, it's still the same, like the decryption does not work. Both person are with Windows 10. There are no extra antivirus. The good think it's that only 2 persons are affected from all, but also harder to troubleshooting

  • Damian Büchel

    Damian Büchel - 2020-05-27

    I don't think this is a bug / problem with SEB or the .NET framework. There must be some issue with the entered password. You could try to test the password without a kiosk mode active in the configuration, that way you could actually copy & paste the password from e.g. Word.

    • Demetris

      Demetris - 2020-05-27

      SEBConfigTool.exe is not even starting


      Last edit: Demetris 2020-05-27
  • Damian Büchel

    Damian Büchel - 2020-05-27

    Well, I think then you have a major problem with your computer or its configuration. You could check the Windows event logs (the one called "Application") to see what might be the issue.

  • Demetris

    Demetris - 2020-05-27

    Yes, probably it's something corupted or broken or striped-down on their system

  • Demetris

    Demetris - 2020-05-27

    Yes, probably it's something corupted or broken or striped-down on their system