
Search Help / News: Recent posts

Edition 1.55

On the 10th March, 2006 the new edition 1.55 will be released.
Am 10.03.2006 wird Version 1.55 veröffnetlich

Posted by philipp 2006-02-25

Redesign finished

During the last weeks I had create a new design for the Search Help Homepage. Today (22.01) at 16:30 (GMT+1) I finished my work. Since 16:30 the new homepage is available per the old address
But remember: I'm still searching for a designer!


Posted by philipp 2006-01-22

Designer wanted! / Designer gesucht

I'm searching for someone who can create a new design for Search Help. It doesn't matter if the design is made of graphics, pure CSS or both. Please contact me:

Ich suche einen Designer für Search Help, der dem Programm ein neues Design geben kann. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob es aus Grafiken, puren CSS-Befehlen oder beidem besteht. Melde dich bei mir:

Posted by philipp 2006-01-21

Edition 1.54

Now I released Edition 1.54 of Search Help. It contains some new things. Please download it.

Posted by philipp 2005-12-06

Experimental Edition finished

The german experimental edition 1.54 is finished. Now I translate it to english and I'll release it on the 25th Nov., 2005.
More information here:

Posted by philipp 2005-11-12

New Editions

I planned new editions. The release date for edition 1.54 german/english will be 25th November, 2005.


Posted by philipp 2005-11-03

Engineers Blog

I've created a blog for Search Help. SO you don't have to join the mailing to read all news about the development of Search Help.

Posted by philipp 2005-10-28

Mailing List is ready...

...for subscribers! Now you can join the Search Help Newsletter. I have no idea when I'll send the first one but I think it'll be very soon.

Posted by philipp 2005-10-27

Mailing List

I created a mailing list for Search Help. If you subscribe yourself to this list you'll get all news as an email. Sourceforge said that it'll take 6-24 hours untill i can set the preferences for this list. So I'll leave a message if all settings are setted.

Posted by philipp 2005-10-25

Need your ideas

If you have any ideas to make Search Help better then please send this idea to me. I'll try to make it real.

your philipp

Posted by philipp 2005-10-21

Get a job

I'm searching for 1 or 2 new developers for Search Help. If you're interested, write an email to You'll get more details at:

Posted by philipp 2005-10-16

Your own edition

If you've your own edition of Search Help then you'll get further informations on (german) or (english). There you'll find inforamtions about release your edition.

Posted by philipp 2005-10-15

New releases and new forum

Best thing at first:
The beta-editions of configurator and edition 1.53 are working, so tomorrow i'll release them.
Second: I opened a forum for Search Help in German and English! It would be nice, if you'll visit and register for free.

Posted by philipp 2005-10-08

Bug Fixed!

I recognized earlier this day a bug in the editions 1.51 German/English. A patch is available now. It'll fix the bug.

Posted by philipp 2005-09-25

New realeases!

I developed a tool to configurate Search Help. I'll load up a new edition of Search Help and the new "Konfigurator" in the edition 0.3!
Soon they'll be available!

Posted by philipp 2005-09-23

New editions are planned

I'll create a new edition -1.6- where you can customize your Search Help with an extra application. If you have more ideas, you can post it into the forum.

Posted by philipp 2005-09-16

Just one night

Tommorow I will release the next editions of Search Help. It is better than the rest of my released editions.

Posted by philipp 2005-09-13

Only 2 days till...

I will release the edition 1.5 in German and English!
New Things:
You can choose of which categorie you'll search. And many more...

Posted by philipp 2005-09-12

New Editions

I have released two new editions. Edition 1.3.15 in German and Edition 1.3.1 in English.

Posted by philipp 2005-09-11

I registered a short domain for Search Help. It is the project and update site. The pages are in both German and English so they're readable for everyone.
Please visit it.

Posted by philipp 2005-09-10

Hi Everybody!

I released the edition 1.3 of Search Help in German and English. It helps you when you will search something in the internet. If you have wishes for the next editions, please write me or post it in the forum. I try to realize it.
Your philipp

Posted by philipp 2005-09-10