
Tree [838b36] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 macosx 2022-08-03 Steven Borley Steven Borley [838b36] Fix XCode builds
 sdrecover.xcodeproj 2022-08-03 Steven Borley Steven Borley [838b36] Fix XCode builds
 src 2012-07-01 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d4a220] Remove all svn style keywords
 .gitignore 2019-09-29 Steven Borley Steven Borley [20c482] Ignore another file generated by autoreconf --i...
 AUTHORS 2012-07-01 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d4a220] Remove all svn style keywords
 COPYING 2005-09-21 Steven Borley Steven Borley [dd884b] License file
 ChangeLog 2012-07-01 Steven Borley Steven Borley [9bd227] Update of ChangeLog (use to check push to sourc...
 INSTALL 2019-09-29 Steven Borley Steven Borley [f63472] Fix some spelling 2019-09-30 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d92aab] All the command line applications now use a com...
 NEWS 2012-07-01 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d4a220] Remove all svn style keywords
 README 2012-07-01 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d4a220] Remove all svn style keywords
 TODO 2019-09-29 Steven Borley Steven Borley [bc21a7] The disk editor project is abandoned
 avirecover.c 2019-09-30 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d92aab] All the command line applications now use a com...
 build.xml 2008-05-26 Steven Borley Steven Borley [cb2f57] Allow debugging
 cli.c 2019-09-30 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d92aab] All the command line applications now use a com...
 cli.h 2019-09-30 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d92aab] All the command line applications now use a com... 2012-07-01 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d4a220] Remove all svn style keywords
 dumpfinds.c 2019-09-29 Steven Borley Steven Borley [f63472] Fix some spelling
 dumpfinds.h 2019-09-29 Steven Borley Steven Borley [f63472] Fix some spelling
 findnext.c 2012-07-01 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d4a220] Remove all svn style keywords
 findnext.h 2012-07-01 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d4a220] Remove all svn style keywords
 jpgrecover.c 2019-09-30 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d92aab] All the command line applications now use a com...
 sdrecover.c 2019-09-30 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d92aab] All the command line applications now use a com...
 sdsearch.c 2019-09-30 Steven Borley Steven Borley [d92aab] All the command line applications now use a com...

Read Me

README for the SD Recover Tools package

A collection of tools to assist the recovery of files from a corrupt memory card.
Initial aim of this project was to recover photographic jpeg and avi files from
a corrupt SD card. However, the tools might be usable in other situations.

C Tools
This package contains the following command line tools:

  jpgrecover - extracts JPEG image files
  avirecover - extracts AVI files
  sdrecover - currently just lists information about the SD card
  sdsearch - searches for file signatures and other data structures
All tools operate on a raw image file created using, for example, the dd command
line tool.

    $ dd if=/dev/sda1 of=cardimage.img

The 'if' option specifies the device spec for the corrupt memory card.  The copy
process may take rather a long time, and depends on the size of the memory card
and the speed of the interface. Here is the output of the command run on MacOSX:

[mirror-doors:~/src/sd_recover] steven% dd if=/dev/rdisk1 of=cardimage.img
494080+0 records in
494080+0 records out
252968960 bytes transferred in 2015.300956 secs (125524 bytes/sec)
[mirror-doors:~/src/sd_recover] steven% 

Use pdisk on MacOSX to find the correct value for the device spec. You need to
run pdisk with root privilege. Thus, with the following example /dev/rdisk1 is
the required device...

[mirror-doors:~] steven% sudo pdisk
Top level command (? for help): L
pdisk: No valid block 1 on '/dev/rdisk1'

Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/rdisk0'
 #:                type name               length   base      ( size )
 1: Apple_partition_map Apple                  63 @ 1        
 2:      Apple_Driver43*Macintosh              56 @ 64       
 3:      Apple_Driver43*Macintosh              56 @ 120      
 4:    Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh              56 @ 176      
 5:    Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh              56 @ 232      
 6:      Apple_FWDriver Macintosh             512 @ 288      
 7:  Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh             512 @ 800      
 8:       Apple_Patches Patch Partition       512 @ 1312     
 9:           Apple_HFS Untitled        234439816 @ 1824      (111.8G)
10:          Apple_Free                         8 @ 234441640

Device block size=512, Number of Blocks=234441648 (111.8G)
DeviceType=0x0, DeviceId=0x0
1:  23 @ 64, type=0x1
2:  36 @ 120, type=0xffff
3:  21 @ 176, type=0x701
4:  34 @ 232, type=0xf8ff

Top level command (? for help):

Java Tools
There is a Java tool from Paul Lovvik that tries to read the 
filesystem and retrieve all files.  It will create a complete directory structure
containing all files referenced in the filesystem.  If there are any unreferenced
clusters, those will be written as files into the "unreferencedClusters" directory.
The 'files' command on UNIX/Linux can usually determine the type of file, and if
appropriate, the jpegrecover or avirecover tools can be used to extract the image
or movie.

  java -jar dist/lib/Recover.jar <sd image file> <output directory name>

Warnings and errors detected while reading the filesystem are reported.

More Information

See INSTALL for how to build and install these tools.
See COPYING for the License conditions
See TODO for my To Do list
See NEWS for latest information  on these tools

Platform coverage
The code was developed as a set of command line tools on MacOSX. A XCode project
is supplied to assist building on MacOSX, but is not required (the makefile can
still be used directly, even on macOSX).

On Linux and BSD platforms the code should also compile and function correctly.
I have tested it to a limited extent Ubuntu.

On windows the code should compile and work within MinGW and Cygwin, but I have
not tested this.  Comments are welcome from anyone who has.