
Tree [r250] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 application 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 assets 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 system 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 uploads 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 vendor 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 .gitignore 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 .htaccess 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 composer.json 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 composer.lock 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users... 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 index.php 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 license.txt 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...
 readme.rst 2023-08-17 depedro3ictu [r250] Revision of Offices, coding of documents, users...

Read Me


Programming Language: PHP 7.3.x (Verified April 24, 2019) DBMS: MariaDB Server 10.3.14 (Verified April 24, 2019) Framework: CodeIgniter 3.1.10 (Updated July 2, 2019)

This Document Tracking System is made especially for Department of Education Regional Office 3.


  1. Install a web server
    1.1. If XAMPP for Windows, find htdocs/ directory (usually found inside C:/xampp/htdocs/) 1.2. If XAMPP for Linux, find htdocs/ directory (usually found inside /opt/lampp/htdocs/) 1.3. If WAMP, find www/ directory (usually found in C:/wamp/www/) 1.4. If LAMP, find html/ directory (usually found inside /var/www/html/) 1.5. If none of the above, please check your server vendor for tutorials
  2. Place this folder to the said locations above
  3. Configure mySQL
    3.1. Take note of the username and password you used (you'll use it in Environment Set-up)
  4. Make sure both Apache and MySQL are running
  5. Pick an environment by changing line 58 of index.php
    5.1 The environment available are "development", "testing", and "production"


Environment Set-up

  1. Find Apache's php.ini and add "date.timezone = 'Asia/Manila'".

  2. Go to root directory of this folder and find index.php

  3. Change the global variables

    3.1 Insert your office code to $GLOBALS['OFFICE_CODE'] in line 188 3.2 Change the delimiter to $GLOBALS['OFFICE_PREFIX'] in line 189 3.3 Add the database information that you will use in lines 194-214

    3.3.1 If some entry are not applicable, you can just leave a blank inside the single quotes. 3.3.2 You can customize the app name by changing $GLOBALS['APP_NAME']

    3.4 "Privileged roles" are roles that can access confidential documents; Replace them with the role code/s in line 218 3.5 Manage DocTrax record status ($GLOBALS['STATUS']) by manipulating the rows inside line 222-228 3.6 When routing a document, the action taken ($GLOBALS['ACTION_TAKEN']) shows what others do to that records; Change the lines 233-255

Folder Set-up

  1. Rename the app to either:
    • devdoctrax - if development environment
    • testdoctrax - if testing environment
    • ro3doctrax - if production environment
    1.1 If you wish to rename based on your liking, you can do so by:

    1.1.1 Opening application/config/<environment name>/config.php 1.1.2 Edit $config['base_url'] in Line 26 (Just make sure that this folder name matches with the name you supplied)

Database Set-up

  1. Rename the database to either:
    • dev_doctrax - if development environment
    • test_doctrax - if testing environment
    • ro3_doctrax - if production environment

    1.0. Open browser then go to http://localhost/devdoctrax/dbsetup/setup 1.1 If you wish to rename based on your liking, you can do so by:

    1.1.1 Opening application/config/<environment name>/database.php 1.1.2 Change hostname in line 78 1.1.3 Add the username you will use to access the database in line 79 1.1.4 Supply the matching password in line 80 1.1.5 Place the name of the database that DocTrax will use in line 81

  2. application/controller/Bootstrap.php contains queries that will be used for preliminary data; Add, edit, or delete the data that you wish by following the format.

    2.1 Make sure to match your superadmin's office code in Bootstrap.php by editing Line 300

Email Notification Set-up

  1. Open index.php
  2. Go to lines 192-235
    2.1 Alternatively, you can look for SMTP global variables
  3. Toggle true/false on SMTP_SEND
  4. If true, fill in the details of the email account that will be used for sending

SMB File Upload Set-up

Note: This only works if server used is Linux. No workaround for Windows servers. Pre-requisite: 1. libsmbclient-dev

1.1. (Debian) sudo apt-get install libsmbclient-dev 1.2. (RedHat) sudo yum install libsmbclient-devel
  1. pecl
  2. smbclient
    3.1. sudo pecl install smbclient
  3. Look for your php.ini and open it
  4. Find dynamic modules section and add ""

Configuration: 1. Open index.php 2. Go to lines 192-235

2.1 Alternatively, you can look for SMB global variables
  1. Toggle true/false on SMB_UPLOAD
  2. If true, fill in the details of your SMB account
    4.1 Make sure that your account has the right permissions to access SMB_FOLDER
  3. Look for UPLOAD_SINGLE and change the value to your liking

Running the app

  1. Take note of the <folder name> in Folder Set-up
  2. Open browser

3. Run the app through localhost/<folder name> -- Steps 4-6 only works for development or testing environment only -- 4. Setup the database by typing localhost/<folder name>/dbsetup/setup.

4.1 A message "Done" will be shown 4.2 Else, review the contents inside application/controllers/Dbsetup.php OR check if Database Set-up was correctly followed
  1. Initialize data by typing localhost/<folder name>/bootstrap/initialize
    5.1 A message containing 1s will be shown 5.2 Else, check application/controllers/Bootstrap.php
  2. Go back to Step 3


-> If for some reason, you want to rename the folder,
  1. Go to devdoctrax/application/config/
    1.1. For development, go to development/config.php 1.2. For testing, go to testing/config.php 1.3. For production, go to production/config.php
  2. Edit $config['base_url']
    2.1 If development, replace 'http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/devdoctrax/'; to 'http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/folderName/'; 2.2 If testing, replace 'http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/testdoctrax/'; to 'http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/folderName/'; 2.3 If production, replace 'http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/ro3doctrax/'; to 'http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/folderName/';
  3. Access the app using localhost/folderNam

-> If errors exist during installation, please check the logs in application/logs/log-{current-date}.php