
SDL2 User Interface / Blog: Recent posts

New commit.

Hi people,

New commit with many improvements. Itś improved to record your key-events and play it back for testing your code. Also the pie chart, which fills in 2 hours when the customer should leave the restaurant. (max. 2 hours for eating).
Drag & drop not optimal yet, will be done in SDL2.0
Dialog events posted to childs also when the main dialog cannot handle the events.

Posted by mensfort 2015-12-31

GIT commit with working archive files.

All Files removed, now just use the GIT archive. This is the working archive. If anything does not compile, I can supply the missing files. Several files were added, which are used by the framework.
Probably it will be SDL 2.0 compliant before the summer.

This version is also used in resolution 1366x768 and 1024x768. Both work great.
To load images with a variable size, please use a * in the name, e.g. "cancel*.png".
Feel free to forward your improvements.

Posted by mensfort 2015-03-16

SDL1.2 files now checked in.

Probably most files for SDL1.2 are checked in. For the resource files, I am not sure that everything is there. The next months will be used to make a demo, which should tell if it is complete.

Posted by mensfort 2015-01-04