


Welcome to the SDFL Wiki page!

You will find here all the documentation regarding the Simple Data Fix Language (SDFL). But first, here's a little bit of history about myself.

My name is Sylvain Cloutier. I'm a developer at CGI in Quebec, Canada. I work on a team that supports hundreds of applications written in tens of different languages. It is pretty much self-managed and the responsibilities of every developer are quite big. Anyone can do the development, the analysis, the architecture or even some DBA tasks. We also imperatively do peer reviews on every delivrable in order to maximize the knowledge transfer among the team.

As we work with different technologies, I found out that the main problem with the SQL language is that it's proprietary and depends a lot on the DBMS, which is not a surprise. I guess that's the whole point of the no-SQL tendency of these days. Of course, there are some standards in the industry regarding the simple statements, but what about complex business rules? We have to create stored functions, stored procedures, database packages, triggers or even write it in Java or C#.

So, I had an idea... SDFL!

SDFL is intended to be used by developers, architects, DBA or even analysts. It is designed to be as readable as possible and strongly structured. It is also designed to be simple, with a short learning curve. It basically does everything SQL can do and offers some built-in API functions for common actions such as data import or extract, regardless of the DBMS.

If you want to have more details on how that language works, please visit [HowItWorks].

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