
#471 pic16: long long support


Couple more patches for pic16, initial support for long long works.

0001-pic16-dont-ignore-test-link-failures.patch: pic16's ignored compile and link errors. If a test compiles but doesn't link, the outer Makefile would still try to run it, which yielded output from gpasm that isn't counted correctly by (that could be improved, but this works for the immediate problem). I can't find any reason to ignore those, so this now counts link failures as test failures.

0002-pic16-longlong-support.patch: Implemented long long for pic16, including >4 byte function arguments / return values and >4 byte generic pointer access.

With the test counting fixed, master now totals:
Summary for 'pic16': 37 abnormal stops ( ), 1048 failures, 20433 tests, 5896 test cases, 0 bytes, 0 ticks

long long support brings it to:
Summary for 'pic16': 37 abnormal stops ( ), 816 failures, 20485 tests, 5898 test cases, 0 bytes, 0 ticks

More tests compile and run, failures go down by 232.

There are a few things still missing for long long:
* 8-byte shifts by literals - currently using the non-literal code path, works but is probably pretty inefficient
* 8-byte division, it will compile but fail to link as the needed function isn't implemented.
* 8-byte get via generic pointer, if the pointer and result are allocated to the same registers (possible if the pointer is a temporary), it's not able to handle this case, currently aborts.

Only one test hits that last case as far as I know. The current algorithm tries to call _gptrget4 twice, but if the pointer and result are in the same registers, it'll clobber the pointer before needing to reload it again for another _gptrget4. I had it abort rather than generate bad code here at the moment.

I think changing the calling convention for gptrput/getN would be beneficial, right now I have to fully reload the address to call it again. I think something like passing the address in TBLPTRU/H/L (and data in or out via something like FSR0L/PRODH/PRODL/WREG) might be able to preserve the address through the call.

Do we have to preserve the ABI for generic pointer functions or could we change it? I could probably add a second set if we have to preserve the old ones.

2 Attachments


Discussion: [SDCC 4.4.0RC3] Does anyone have a basic 16F819 Blink led example for MPLABX V6.15?


  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    The port will need to be able to get any number of bytes from 1 to 8. Most ports either have a 1-byte __gptrget or both a 1-byte and a 2-byte __gptrget.
    Since __gptrget is an internal support function, we could change the ABI. Might still be worth incrementing the SDCC patchlevel version number when doing so, though.
    For 8-byte division, there are support functions implemented in C: device/lib/_divulonglong.c and device/lib/_divslonglong.c. Just use that one for now - we want to be able to generate correct code, optimizations can come later if it turns out they matter to users here.

  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    0001 is in the next branch in [r14588].



    Commit: [r14588]

  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    0002 is in the next branch in [r14589]. Thanks.



    Commit: [r14589]

    Last edit: Philipp Klaus Krause 2024-01-08
  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    • status: open --> pending-accepted
    • assigned_to: Philipp Klaus Krause
    • Group: -->
  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    • status: pending-accepted --> closed-accepted
  • Philipp Klaus Krause

    The next branch has been merged to trunk.


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