
sdobjcopy usage question (binary -> asxxxx)

  • Alexander Tsidaev

    I'm trying to convert binary file to .rel format to make it possible to link with linker.
    The following commands are tested on sdcc-snapshot-i586-mingw32msvc-20140220-8950 version.

    $ sdobjcopy.exe -I binary -O asxxxx font.bin font.rel
    sdobjcopy.exe:font.rel[.data]: File format not recognized
    sdobjcopy.exe:font.rel: Invalid operation

    $ sdobjcopy.exe -B z80 -I binary -O asxxxx font.bin font.rel
    sdobjcopy.exe: architecture z80 unknown

    Is the converting to .rel feature not implemented? Or do I just use it incorrectly?

  • sverx

    sverx - 2015-01-12

    I was going to post almost the same question, then I read this post...
    As Alexander here above, I'm also trying to convert a raw binary to .rel and I also am trying to do that using sdobjcopy, but I have no luck, no matter how hard I try.
    I'm using sdcc release 3.4.0
    Am I using the wrong tool? Am I using it the wrong way?
    Thank you!

  • Charles Doty

    Charles Doty - 2020-09-14

    I thought I had it working, but that just converts the binary right back to binary.


    Last edit: Charles Doty 2020-09-14

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