
Problem with libraries p16f628a.h

  • Vicho

    Vicho - 2014-09-23

    I install gputils and sdcc using Konsole/aptitude. I tried compile using comand:
    vicho@vicho:~/Documentos/Proyecto003$sdcc -mpic14 -p16f628a.h prueba.c
    and konsole returns :
    prueba.c:2:24: error: pic16f628a.h: No such file or directory.

    I search folder in /usr/share/sdcc/include/pic14 and effectively no exist the file name pic16f628a.h and any other pics.

    I install only whith comander" sudo aptitude install sdcc ".I'm missing some step??

    thanks all ( Plaese forgive my english)


    Last edit: Vicho 2014-09-23
  • Raphael Neider

    Raphael Neider - 2014-09-23

    The Debian packages do not include the pic stuff because they are considered non-free. You need to install sdcc from a snapshot and add the command line option --use-non-free to the sdcc command to make this work. Snapshots are available from .

    Edit: Make sure to uninstall the previously installed sdcc to avoid header mix-up and to make sure to invoke the desired sdcc instance.


    Last edit: Raphael Neider 2014-09-23

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